Electronics Forum: dek horizon 3 manual (Page 1 of 6)

dek horizon 265

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 13 17:11:23 EDT 2015 | loganting

2 fiducial alignment vs 3 fiducial alignment , any opinion ? When do we actually need the third fiducial for alignment ?

Dek horizon 03 adding 2d vision?

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 07 10:08:02 EST 2017 | markhoch

In most instances, it is cycle time prohibitive to use it to check the entire PCB. But you can use it to check critical areas. You can also set it up to check every 2nd, 3rd, 5th panel. (etc)

DEK Horizon 2 Electronic Manuals request

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 10 08:05:32 EST 2020 | dontfeedphils

Here's everything I've got. Hopefully what you're looking for is in there somewhere. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VYzAe3uIUCoPkncR-udnlocpMT5hFyWE?usp=sharing

DEK Horizon 2 Electronic Manuals request

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 03 13:58:22 EST 2020 | sumote

Does anyone have the DEK Horizon manuals in electronic format that would share with me? I would like the operators, maintenance, electrical schematics, mechanical drawings, and any others that may be available. Thank you for any help.

DEK eManual needed

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 09 14:38:24 EDT 2011 | ram324

Does any body has a electronic manual for DEK screen printers? specifically for horizon and/or infinity that may be willing to share?

DEK 265 Horizon

Electronics Forum | Mon May 05 08:42:35 EDT 2008 | mmjm_1099

We use double image stencils with our DEK Horizons. My operators would just load the pcb on to the rials and manually adjust the stencil and clamp it. Once they do that they add into the comments what number the handcrank adjustable is at so next tim

DEK HORIZON 265 Squeege Pressure question

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 28 09:27:08 EDT 2020 | serge_pirog

After 2-3 cycles error disappear.

DEK 265 Horizon - Calibration Procedure

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 03 20:09:31 EDT 2008 | fastek

Look in your manual. There are also calibration stencils and boards necessary to calibrate DEK printers. Do you have them? If not I might have a set I would sell.


Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 03 12:48:50 EDT 2012 | emeto

Hi, I like DEK better. Each of them will have some advantages over the other one, but DEK Horizon software you can learn in a day without opening the manual. It is so easy to work with it.

DEK 265 Horizon

Electronics Forum | Sun May 04 19:18:42 EDT 2008 | dman97

Hi all, I recently acquired a year 2000 dek 265 horizon. It has a manual screen loader with that stupid hand crank adjustable stopper. Can anyone tell me how I am supposed to measure the stencil image dimensions for a front justified stencil? Now on

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