Electronics Forum: dek horizon camera axis errors (Page 1 of 1)

DEK 265 Horizon Servo Following Error

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 04 11:07:59 EST 2018 | ilavu

Ray, Did you solve this problem? I am having same error on same model machine. My problem is, when camera axis moves to look at the first fiducial, camera hits to the cleaner and error comes up with rising table error, camera axis not home. Even log

DEK Horizon 03i

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 06 07:23:27 EDT 2014 | gascon5383

well the camera errors didn't post. File Line Error Context File Line Error Context Line Error Context

DEK Horizon 03i

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 28 11:39:23 EDT 2015 | dlee87

I have an issue with this DEK printer our company > has been having for over a year now. It seems > that DEK can’t narrow down what the issue > actually is as well. The printer is a DEK Horizon > 03i 09 SP13 P02. We are having an issue with

DEK Horizon 03i

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 06 07:20:37 EDT 2014 | gascon5383

I have an issue with this DEK printer our company has been having for over a year now. It seems that DEK can’t narrow down what the issue actually is as well. The printer is a DEK Horizon 03i 09 SP13 P02. We are having an issue with the camera.

DEK 265 Horizon Servo Following Error

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 05 12:02:28 EST 2018 | ilavu

Camera works fine from home to ref. position to fiducial1 and 2. Problem shows up from home to board stop. AC voltage between AC1 and AC2 is 41.7 and during move it drops to 41.5.

DEK 265 Horizon Servo Following Error

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 05 10:58:43 EST 2018 | ilavu

John, I just found out more detail. If my board stop position in x is bigger than 109mm, I get error from park position to board stop.This problem started after power loss. The error comes up system power down and after pressing system button "RISIN

Dek Horizon 03i

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 29 16:42:34 EST 2008 | vikkaraja

Hello again, Has anyone experience any problem with their vision system on the DEK machine. Machine had been running fine for at least one year without any major problem until this week. Machine's response is very slow especially the vision system. M

DEK 265 Horizon fiducial drift in the Y

Electronics Forum | Tue May 03 16:36:09 EDT 2022 | dwl

I don't know anything about DEKs so while you wait for a more informed response, here are a few brain droppings... Did something get knocked loose on the camera assembly? give everything a wiggle test and make sure it stays in place. Is the encoder

DEK Horizon 03i

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 28 11:59:05 EDT 2015 | gascon5383

Actually I should have noted we resolved this issue. After chasing our tails for a while, we found that somehow there was a static charge on the boards going into the machine. This static was discharging to the camera through the board stop, causing

DEK 265 Horizon - DEK CSS Error - HELP!

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 18 12:13:06 EDT 2021 | oriolsancheza

Hello, Our machine started to not stopping board into the right position (stop pin was not working we guess). After some inspection we have not seen anything strange. However the DEK software decided to not work anymore. We've been messing arrounf


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