Electronics Forum: dek improved wiping strip steel me (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Proflow of DEK screen printer

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 08 08:25:26 EDT 1999 | Brad Kendall

Listed below are the issues Viking has been experiencing since the | installation of the Proflow Head: | 1. After installing new 350mm Wiper foil with metal | strip glued on it, It worked for about a week and suddenly meta

Re: Proflow of DEK screen printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 15:28:13 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

Listed below are the issues Viking has been experiencing since the installation of the Proflow Head: 1. After installing new 350mm Wiper foil with metal strip glued on it, It worked for about a week and suddenly metal stri


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