Electronics Forum: dek machine intrudaction on operating (Page 1 of 1)

Re: SPC on stencil printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 12 19:07:07 EST 1999 | Earl Moon

| | For process management with SPC of the stencil printing process with a fully automatic stencil printer, what process outpur parameter would you recommend for SPC? | | | | It appears to me that there are two options: | | A: to have a pn chart bas

Re: PCI Press Fit on Daughter Cards

Electronics Forum | Wed May 19 14:09:29 EDT 1999 | JohnW

Wendy, I've done this before using a machined piece of FR4 material to hold the board (machined like a DEK plate )in place at the press . It ensures that the boards are alway's in the right place and that none of the components are damaged..also sto

Re: PCI Press Fit on Daughter Cards

Electronics Forum | Wed May 19 14:58:31 EDT 1999 | Wendy Casker

John, Thanks for the advice. I spoke with some of the connector suppliers apps guys today and they have what is called "European" style tooling which consists of top and bottom tooling. The board sits on rails and the Bottom tooling receives the pi

Re: PCI Press Fit on Daughter Cards

Electronics Forum | Fri May 21 15:51:49 EDT 1999 | JohnW

Wendy.. I found that little nugget a good one from my connector suppliers..Oh we have a tool to put it in for u..only catch was the one I needed was �37K ! ! after falling off my seat I went for something like what I described blow..cost about �1K.

Re: PCI Press Fit on Daughter Cards

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 04 14:00:32 EDT 1999 | Arthur Burdick

Wendy, we at ASG make electric presses for press fit connectors, and have made fixtures for AMP Zpak connectors. give me a call i believe we can help. 561-848-6746 Arthur | Wendy.. | | I found that little nugget a good one from my connector supp

need license for longboard option on my DEK Horizon 03i please

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 06 07:59:58 EDT 2020 | reckless

This is why I don't like DEK, I had better experiences with MPM. Its much better operating and using machines when you dont hate the manufacturer and feel like they are trying to rip you off every chance they get.


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