Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 26 13:42:14 EDT 2013 | nucleus
Hi, we just bought a used dek infinity 265. Unfortunately we cannot find a programming manual. We have two big technical references and a operator manual. Is there someone who has a pdf-version of the programming manual? Thanks! Best regards mts
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 26 17:46:48 EDT 2013 | dman97
numeric values are input by pressing the / key.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 26 13:44:37 EDT 2013 | nucleus
by the way: How can I input numeric values by keyboard instead of pressing value +/- all the time? thanks!
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 18 02:45:06 EST 2013 | sara_npi
Hi What is "fatal error"? Every time when operator raise head to add cleaning paper or add solvent machine just hang like that. need to reboot machine. Pls advise Thanks.
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 03 11:02:13 EST 2015 | dekhead
"DEK 265" can mean many things; need to be clear on what machine type. www.dekhead.com
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 21 14:58:23 EDT 2018 | edjeske
Thank you for your response. I appreciate all anyone can provide to help with this. I have no manuals to use. I inherited this task when the usual operator dropped dead the other day. He was the only one who ever ran this machine. I was able to print
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 14 14:09:19 EDT 2005 | bschreiber
Your problem is not the 0.4 pitch. Your problem is the manual cleaning. Manual cleaning will only remove the solder paste from the surface of the stencil. What's more, manual cleaning will force additional contamination into the 0.4 pitch apertures
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 11 10:49:14 EDT 2005 | jhagve
HI We start to make a product which have a 0.4 mm pitch IC and start having problems with not enough solder printed, to solve this problem we had to increase the manual cleaning, now we are cleaning the stencil every 8 printings, before we was runnin
Electronics Forum | Tue May 30 10:55:57 EDT 2006 | bryanhewson
I am a lay person researching the application of non-woven material in stencil rolls either using branded material or non-branded alternatives for DEK, MPM Panasonic machines in SMT environments. I have read a number of articles referring to aqueous