Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 18 14:26:36 EDT 1999 | Steve Gregory
| | Please visit our Web site, especially 'link page', to get some hint for roll typr of cleaning wiper for automatic screen printers. http://www.squeegee.co.kr | | | Idiot: I wouldn't visit your site if I had to start using toilet paper. Keep yo
Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 18 19:16:28 EDT 1999 | Wayne Bracy
| | | Please visit our Web site, especially 'link page', to get some hint for roll typr of cleaning wiper for automatic screen printers. http://www.squeegee.co.kr | | | | | Idiot: I wouldn't visit your site if I had to start using toilet paper. K
Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 18 19:18:28 EDT 1999 | Wayne Bracy
| | | | Please visit our Web site, especially 'link page', to get some hint for roll typr of cleaning wiper for automatic screen printers. http://www.squeegee.co.kr | | | | | | | Idiot: I wouldn't visit your site if I had to start using toilet pap
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 18 02:45:06 EST 2013 | sara_npi
Hi What is "fatal error"? Every time when operator raise head to add cleaning paper or add solvent machine just hang like that. need to reboot machine. Pls advise Thanks.
Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 18 14:14:43 EDT 1999 | Ben Kirk
| Please visit our Web site, especially 'link page', to get some hint for roll typr of cleaning wiper for automatic screen printers. http://www.squeegee.co.kr | Its Dumb stunts like this that is running this site for everyone. Spend a few dollars a
Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 18 08:15:36 EDT 1999 | Dave F
| Please visit our Web site, especially 'link page', to get some hint for roll typr of cleaning wiper for automatic screen printers. http://www.squeegee.co.kr | Idiot: I wouldn't visit your site if I had to start using toilet paper. Keep your tra
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 27 08:46:58 EDT 2005 | james
Yes I would have to agree Kemet is the worse. I believe our feeders are just not strong enough to handle the thickness of the tape. It seems to need alot of force to move and to roll the tape through.
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 24 15:31:40 EDT 2006 | mark
Hello, We have found that many times for DEK265GS in under stencil cleaning unit stucks cleaning paper (non-woven rolls). DEK said that cleaning unit for DEK265 has this problem. I just looking for improvment to eliminate issue. Question to the u
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 31 09:00:15 EST 2008 | d0min0
Hi, we have 4 DEK 265 infinity, all with blue underscreen cleaner (with paper rolls), it doesn't make miracles :) but if you have good solvant system (not too much - you flood the paper and not too small) then works OK on some of our DEKs (y 2000) t
Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 04 02:39:27 EST 2012 | eadthem
I don't have our DEK printer part numbers memorized, In general we have a older machine running NT4.0 . It has 2Di inspection but we never use it because you can only inspect/setup 1 camera shot at once, making for very long programming. Our newer D