Electronics Forum: dek single board computer (Page 1 of 4)

Mirtec MV-3L

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 21 22:10:37 EDT 2012 | eadthem

We have also experienced the same. a RAID array helps but there are a lot of static waits in Mirtecs software so it dosen't matter how fast you make the computer it still takes the same time to do a lot of waiting on the computer tasks. For exampl

MPM UP2000HiE motherboard replacement

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 28 21:51:56 EDT 2014 | elabcircuits

Hello, We have a MPM UP2000 HiE printer from 2000, software version 7.2E. The PC board is not booting anymore (black screen), no drives spinning. It's an Advantech 486SX version. Question: would a Pentium 3 SBC (Single Board Computer) with ISA

Quad QSV TEP Controller Issue

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 25 14:18:34 EDT 2019 | babe7362000

It's been awhile but I was wondering if anyone knows how to read the LED's on the Tep board to what they mean. Top 4 Red 1. blinking red 2. lit red 3. off 4. lit red 5. lit red 1. blinking green 2. not lit 3. lit green 4. off 5. off On the Gui

$.02 on DEK 265 GSX PRINTER

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 16 12:50:36 EDT 1998 | smd

200 boards an hour and probably does. Our slow P&P machine keeps us from getting that benefit. But we get to have all the headaches. I think the printer runs on a 286! That's pretty sorry for such an expensive piece of equipment. The stencil frame is

Good Profiler for reflow ovens

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 16 11:20:09 EDT 2004 | soease

Hi, to profile any type of temperature process, you should try ECD products. I'm used to work with their tool called Super M.O.L.E. Gold, wich is a data logger for six thermocouples that you can run through a reflow oven, for example, and then you c

Step stencil troubles

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 17 07:44:41 EDT 2004 | Simon Uk

Yes, i have used and experienced problems with step stencils, but these were mainly to do with the communication of the requirements for the suppier. Best plan is to talk to your stencil supplier and get them to make the suggestions on what works bes

DEK 03! CAN Node Rising Table Error

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 13 03:56:45 EST 2022 | goseese

Hello, and thank you in advance for your help. I have just received a used DEK 03i and I am having a problem that I don't know exactly how to troubleshoot. The DEK will power up correctly and everything will initialize. When I try to set up a n


Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 29 22:35:01 EDT 2016 | dekhead

Pneumatic failure is a good guess, as GSX/LT are renowned for their leaky airlines. However on this I would doubt, since the Board stop is a single throw pneumatic with a spring to retract. The return spring broken / disconnected is certainly a possi

SMT Stencil Printer Recommendations

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 04 02:39:27 EST 2012 | eadthem

I don't have our DEK printer part numbers memorized, In general we have a older machine running NT4.0 . It has 2Di inspection but we never use it because you can only inspect/setup 1 camera shot at once, making for very long programming. Our newer D

quad qsp

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 01 10:09:57 EDT 2010 | ppm

New Single board computers are faster and substantially improve machine software performance. They include built in Ethernet (network), sound card & USB capability making files transfers & backups easier and faster. Win XP is a more secure platform

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