Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 20 17:12:54 EST 2006 | mark
Hallo all, I have recently had possibility to work with DEK265. I have met with problem poor print definition (no sharp edges). I used stencil 150 thickness, metal squuegees. I moved than the same stencil, squeegee and parameters to DEK nifinty and
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 06 02:45:09 EST 2007 | mun4o
hi, we use pump print stencil and have problem with cleaning.we clean the stencil handling, using zestron301, but in the holes stay adhesive.Take a test with ultrasonic cleaner but resalt is not good.
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 06 08:57:32 EST 2007 | davef
With this small amount of background information on the situation, comments are: * If you let adhesive cure on your stencil, you should not be using Zestron 301. A hammer and chisel is more effective. * Assuming you are not letting the adhesive cure,
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 07 09:30:21 EDT 2008 | cyber_wolf
MPM SPM's will print .5mm all day long.
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 23 17:34:07 EST 2008 | davef
We hear you talking two main issues: 1 Solder paste release 2 Thoughts on using two passes of solder paste on the stencil 1 Solder paste release * Check your aperture & aspect ratios [Search the fine SMTnet Archives for more] * Do a better job with
Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 12 04:07:21 EDT 2008 | sessioc
Good Point. Also, what about the type of solder paste your using - Are you getting a good release from the stencil? What do your boards look like after you print?
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 24 20:11:43 EST 2008 | xianhua_tang
hi,brettc! Our stencil openings no more than 4mm * 4mm, you have a larger component of the pads is more than a 4*4? At the same time, with the thickness of the stencil, I would like to increase the printing speed can be improved to reduce the thickne
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 07 09:41:51 EDT 2008 | davef
We agree with Se�or Tech
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 07 14:57:25 EDT 2008 | realchunks
What tells you your screen printer is at fault?
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 11 03:30:40 EDT 2008 | joseph_gonzales16
yes MPM AP AXCEL is good im handling this machine for 5 yrs.