Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 13 17:11:23 EDT 2015 | loganting
2 fiducial alignment vs 3 fiducial alignment , any opinion ? When do we actually need the third fiducial for alignment ?
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 02 13:12:43 EDT 2012 | tlbrothe
DEK or MPM stencil printers, which manufacturer do you prefer and why?
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 02 15:57:32 EDT 2012 | mmjm_1099
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 13 20:12:53 EST 2000 | K. S. PARK
Hello . i am reviewing the s/p dek (dek 265 infinite) ,mpm (up3000). all user say the machines are good. but to me rheopump versus proflow. which one is better. someone out there using these head advise me. bad or good thing whatever it is
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 08 18:16:24 EDT 2012 | kahrpr
I agree with SWAG we run both. our latest was the DEK horizon because they had a better price. If MPM had a better price we would of bought that.
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 10 15:09:27 EDT 2012 | trifith
Hi guys... I have both of them, but I prefer MPM. DEK is too problematic on our production. The biggest difference between them is in 2D inspection. Setting 2D inspection on DEK is a nightmare. MPM is really clever machine, what do what you tell him
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 08 09:59:16 EDT 2012 | swag
We run both. We just bought a new Horizon 03iX with all the bells and whistles. Nice machine, great install and training. We've already saved a ton of labor using the adhesive dispense system. Both brands are very good. The MpM's are built heavi
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 14 12:41:56 EST 2000 | Dave F
Dek has the more robust design for their paste dispensor.
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 14 18:12:44 EST 2000 | Brian Book
I believe that the Rheopump is the better design. The proflow uses a square chamber that doesn't allow the paste to roll. The control is far better also, and the design allows the use of standard piles cartridges.
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 24 16:26:57 EDT 2004 | pjc
MPM kick's butt on both in terms of accuracy, repeatability and durability. What more would you want?