Electronics Forum: del ela vision (Page 1 of 1)

Del Ela "axis camera error - out of time"

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 22 05:42:01 EST 2019 | robertorocco


Del Ela "axis camera error - out of time"

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 22 18:24:32 EST 2019 | dekhead

Really need answers to all questions.

Del Ela "axis camera error - out of time"

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 16 11:36:09 EST 2019 | robertorocco

When the camera moves to the bord stop position, or to the fiducial position, the following message appears "Axis camera error - out of time" some indication on how to solve the problem? Thanks

Del Ela "axis camera error - out of time"

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 20 13:05:22 EST 2019 | dekhead

Please post pict of error. Is System power disengaging prior to error? Does error require reboot? Or can you "recover/continue"?

Del Ela "axis camera error - out of time"

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 25 11:35:40 EST 2019 | dekhead

Does camera complete moves (Baord stop, Fiducial Positions) without error in camera diagnostic?

Del Ela "axis camera error - out of time"

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 25 09:22:02 EST 2019 | robertorocco

When the pcb is inserted into printer, the camera moves from the origin to the stop pcb, after a few seconds the message "axis camera error" "out of time" appears. In the next few days I make a video of the operations done and the error that appears

DEK 265GSX Vision Error 1

Electronics Forum | Tue May 04 11:30:19 EDT 2010 | tsventek

I just had the same issue, it was a corrupt fiducial file in the program that kept on loading when booted. If your vision card is working follow these steps: Reboot the machine, press F5 when the computer beeps to enter DOS, delete the file maninf.d

best buy? (printers)

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 31 08:02:12 EST 2002 | davidweir

we are looking at buying an screen printer and are curretly have an mpm up1500 and dek ela on the shortlist both silimar spec's except mpm has automatic tooling. being a cem having to change set up a number of time a week quick change over is a co


del ela vision searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

ISVI - Industrial Sensor Vision International Corporation
ISVI - Industrial Sensor Vision International Corporation

Industrial Sensor Vision International specializes in advanced camera technology of high resolution fast speed cameras for automation, AOI, 2-D/3-D, SPI inspection and wafer inspection.


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