Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 24 15:10:12 EDT 2007 | slthomas
You may very well be right Hussman, but I'm not certain that marcin knows exactly what he wants to know. :) I would call that ramp rate, not delta t, but that's my language. marcin, what I'm talking about are the varying temperatures on your board d
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 15 13:02:55 EDT 2009 | horvath83
What do you think about optimal setup for 8-hour working shift and 16-hour standby time. What is the most energy efficient setup for standby time? Complete cooldown or maintaining temperature in solder pot?
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 10:53:25 EDT 2012 | mili
In Setup menu there is a last option Debug. Debug choosing a window with Rack0, Rack1, Rack2, Rack3, log RS485 opens. Choosing rack0 a window with parameters S3 boxes 1 to 12 Input and certain boxes are checked, S4 Output from 1-8, from 1-8 S5 Outpu
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 10 06:52:51 EST 2002 | Dreamsniper
I'm using Kic Profiler and aluminium tape from Kic and thermocouples from Kic. They are good and reliable. I even manage to modify my heller 1088 by adjusting the fix conveyor and re-baffling the oven. Had dropped my 20-22 deg. C delta T down to 4.3
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 14:55:08 EDT 2004 | johnw
Hi guys I havnt been on for a while so its nice to be back been working in europe mostly Fuji CP6 skewing rnets Marcels comment is the closest rnets are a problem as said before the main areas are 1 A good assmbley shape is a must with 30% defaul
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 11 07:58:59 EDT 2013 | cyber_wolf
So I have this issue with my 1240. During my weekly oven surveyor check I get a software alarm that says I am out of tolerance. Probe #3 which is closest to the hinge side of the oven is approx. 10 degrees hotter in zone 12 than the other 2 probes o
Electronics Forum | Wed May 05 20:58:40 EDT 2010 | aungthura
Hi Stephen Our boards are as large as 600x600mm and sometimes 8 or 12 layers thick.And,there are many various components in different material.So, we are seeking the soldering machine which can supprot zero delta T.Thus, we consider to try with Vapor
Electronics Forum | Fri May 19 10:05:37 EDT 2006 | Loco
I think Mr Guru likes to smoke his joints leaded. Seriously, Soltec offers 'leadfree upgrade kits'. You should be fine with 8 zones, but if you don't have bottom heating, you might want to consider inserting some in your reflow (peak) zones. Give
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 26 12:53:41 EDT 2000 | Michael Parker
I belive I once saw a picture of a Delta-T. It was in a very old Popular Science magazine. Some yahoo from Ohio wanted to put wings on his ol' tin lizzy. He also had some elaborate plans to convert his flat head V-8 to run off corn likker. I say chuc
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 20 14:04:35 EST 2001 | Dreamsniper
Hi Marc Definitely we will call you ! But as planned, we will be trying to move the fixed conveyor starting this morning and I think we need the two lead screws at both front and rear machined. We rang our local supplier here down under (australia) w