Electronics Forum: depanalization (Page 1 of 2)

ribbon cable circuit boards depanalization

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 03 15:20:02 EST 2002 | Luis F. Otero

What method of depanelization is used to depanelize circuit boards made of flexable ribbon cable material.Any input welcomed. Luis F. Otero (915)-780-5504

ribbon cable circuit boards depanalization

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 03 22:39:37 EST 2002 | davef

For us, it depends on product volume: * Low volume: Tailor's scissors sharpened for the job. * Mid volume: Custom die used in a press. * High volume: We don't do this, but we'd have buy a singulation machine, er something like that. [Search the SMTne

Depanalization of CEM-1

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 05 05:18:20 EDT 2017 | ravnikar39

Dear, has anyone problem after the depanalization of CEM-1 like this (picture in link)? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B40MYZvzPFWFNnd6ejZYT3k4aVE/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B40MYZvzPFWFaklHQTAydXJ0WFk/view?usp=sharing Is

Depanelization for PCMCIA

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 22 15:24:40 EDT 1999 | KEM

Could anyone recommend a good depanization tool for a PCMCIA panel which has breakaways. For several reasons, we decided to go with this approach rather than scoring and I'm less than pleased with the punch presses we currently use. Any help will

Ceramic capacitors cracking

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 28 10:02:39 EST 2003 | bradlanger

Thanks for all the input on this thread. My company bought an FKN depanalizer and that solved our problem. I am also working with our design engineers on laying out the boards without the caps near the edges.

Recycling of Waste Packing Material

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 14:42:56 EST 2000 | Ashok Dhawan

We are looking for a source which can accept our packing material ( PVC tubings, Chip Trays, reels and spools , PCB waste rails from depanalization). Anybody, who is currently using a recycling manufacturer for these packing wastes. Our intent is:

Recycling of Waste Packing Material

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 14:42:56 EST 2000 | Ashok Dhawan

We are looking for a source which can accept our packing material ( PVC tubings, Chip Trays, reels and spools , PCB waste rails from depanalization). Anybody, who is currently using a recycling manufacturer for these packing wastes. Our intent is:

Depanalization of CEM-1

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 14 16:38:00 EST 2018 | cbart

i have seen that happen when the wrong process was utilized! your boards looked like they were v-scored and someone broke them apart, proper method would be to use a scoring separation machine.. pizza cutter. this would prevent this. its not a good i

Re: Broken capacitors

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 04 03:40:43 EST 2000 | jmlasserre

Hello, When we discover the broken caps, there are missing and we can observe only either the 2 terminaisons or a small part of ceramic. The defect is due to a shock during the process but it's possible that the caps are fragilized during an operati

Capacitor Shorts after Depaneling

Electronics Forum | Thu May 11 17:28:40 EDT 2006 | bradlanger

Steve, We have had the same problem at my company and unfortunately I do not have any good news for you. We are using a pizza slicer type depanalizer from FKN and if the MLCC caps are layed out too close to the edge they still break. We had to add th

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