Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 28 07:34:21 EST 2002 | cnotebaert
Yes, there are a few companies that make de-paneling equipment, Cab is one of the larger they make scoring and tab de-panelers. Just keep in mind regardless to what type of equipment is used if the parts are to close to the board you still run the ri
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 03 15:20:02 EST 2002 | Luis F. Otero
What method of depanelization is used to depanelize circuit boards made of flexable ribbon cable material.Any input welcomed. Luis F. Otero (915)-780-5504
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 27 15:03:40 EST 2002 | cnotebaert
Cencorp is another, they make routers, we purchased one of these just to depanelize boards. most boards we depanelize are already pre-routed with tabs holding hte boards together. the machine works great.
Electronics Forum | Fri May 29 07:17:30 EDT 2015 | kkay
We have a small board about 1" by .5" and it is .012" thick. It is in a 50 up panel. We have tried rat bites and v-score and we keep seeing delamination around the edges. Anyone have experience depaneling boards this thin?
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 29 13:31:14 EDT 2004 | Dave
I am looking to purchase a router depanel piece of equipment to depanel populated boards with route tabs connecting individual boards together. Does anyone have recommendation as to what does the best job reliably. Thanks
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 01 12:02:03 EDT 2015 | kkay
They are too small to use on our router. Is there a way to cut boards with a press?
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 15 13:33:56 EDT 1998 | Don Welling
I am looking for information on the amount of stress a component sees during the depaneling process. I am currently specifying a new piece of depaneling equipment and I have not found any studies that quantitatively compare the amount of stress diff
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 21 07:18:28 EDT 2014 | kkay
Thanks for the feedback, this really helps us out! What kind of machine is being used to depanel the boards?
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 01 11:01:46 EDT 2015 | tnisbet
Have to tried an automated system such as a Router or Press? tom@goppm.com Tom Nisbet
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 09 16:52:30 EST 1999 | John Sims
Brian, We recently investigated a depaneling press that might suit your application. The labor savings over pizza cutting will probably make it justifiable for you. The company seems to be lesser known in the US, but is partnered with a Japanese c