Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 29 12:56:16 EDT 2021 | babe7362000
Does anyone have a manual for the FKN Systek N200? And also where I can get dies/blades for it? Thanks
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 04 11:55:08 EST 2000 | Casimir Budzinski
I am looking for a faster way to trim component leads after wave solder. We now cut by hand, we have a Q-cuter but stoped using it the blades dulled quickly and left flags. we just got a cut and clinch locator and hope this will solve some of are pro
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 03 08:49:06 EDT 2014 | patel_daxa29
Check out the set up of Depanelizer. Try to cut at slower speed & check the blades to make sure it is not time to resharp the blades. If all this parameters OK I would sustect lamination process of board house.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 13 13:35:08 EDT 2011 | travishemen
Hello, does anyone have any information on stress induced during V-score depaneling. We are using a machine with a fixed blade on the bottom and a free rotating blade on top driven by a motor. We have had some cracked capacitors on the edge of an a
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 17 23:06:50 EDT 2017 | ivyzhang
you can try Guillotine type PCB Depaneling machine, with very low cut stress , won't hurt components , the cut blade thickness can be make to 0.7mm . http://www.sam-smt.com/pid11368146/PCB-depaneling-Machine.htm
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 16 12:50:56 EDT 2014 | comatose
We have several, the one everyone likes is a Fancort VPD5-330. We were having trouble with cracked ceramics near the score line with our pizza cutter style depaneler. The linear blade made it go away entirely. Not the cheapest, though.
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 29 08:55:35 EST 2017 | capse
I represent Fancort Industries. We provide "pizza cutter" and horizontal opposing blade "guillotine" style v-score depanel equipment. The edge clearance requirements are 0.030" - 0.050" for the wheel cutter and down to 0.020" for the opposing blade e
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 13 16:23:47 EDT 2014 | esoderberg
I did not see any mention on the inner layer setback. We use 0.025" and have not had problems. Point loads with either a CAB or a FKN can sometimes be problematic. I would search out someone you know that has a fancort industries VDP5. This cuts th
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 16 08:05:41 EDT 2011 | kenneth0
thats very close to the edge. it is preferable to have at least 3mm clearance to edge, or more ideally 5mm. If the chips are too near to the edges, you might want to modify the panel by routing through the area next to the chips. This would eliminate
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 14 09:07:26 EST 2002 | cfraser
I can not tell you what the actual stress limits are. I can tell you that de-paneling PCB's by hand is a very poor choice. I have seen numerous accounts of cracked caps, resistors, and LED�s due to incorrect de-paneling procedures. I would recommend