Electronics Forum: dielectric properties (Page 1 of 1)

FR-4 IN ROHS applications

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 26 16:47:52 EDT 2007 | Cmiller

Is anyone using standard FR-4 material for ROHS? All I have ever seen to indicate the need to go to a high tg/td board is that the material may fail after repeted rework. I have a customer that is trying to use IS-410 and it is causing electrical pro

Questions you would ask if someone said they had a 3D printer for professional multi-layer PCBs?

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 01 04:24:06 EST 2015 | 3dpcb

Thanks Sarason, You are right that chemists and physicists now have some new tricks. Using nano-chemistry the physical properties of the materials change. The melting temperature of our nano-particle silver is below 150C. The insulator is also a nano

Questions you would ask if someone said they had a 3D printer for professional multi-layer PCBs?

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 25 09:09:24 EST 2015 | spoiltforchoice

Are we talking a professional device that takes something like the Squink/Voltare/EX1 projects on Kickstarter and delivers something that could be confidently used commerically? Would it be strictly a prototyping tool or would it also be suited to lo

Conformal Coating Discoloration

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 29 22:48:09 EDT 2011 | davef

Rich Here's what Humiseal says: Thermal Properties The coating must be able to withstand localized thermal 'hot spots' generated by components. High temperatures can cause short-term changes in coating characteristics, such as softening and lowered e

Re: Laminate base material

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 27 20:52:22 EST 2000 | Dave F

Marc: In printed circuit board fabrication, fabricators place sheets of prepreg between each pair of glass cores. They stack these layers into books. As they heat and press the books, the sheet melts into an epoxy glue. The thickness of the prepr

Re: adhesive for ptfe boards

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 05 04:23:38 EDT 1999 | Brian

| | | | Can someone suggest what material I have to use to protect components by electrical discharge on ptfe based boards? | | | | It should have high resistivity, thermal stability (-40 +70 'C),perfect adherence on ptfe... | | | | Many tahnks | |

Re: T sub g

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 25 14:41:07 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| Alright gentlemen and ladies of the forum, I again seek knowlage on what is probably a well known fact. I have spent a good part of the morning with various IPC standards and weighty tomes such as the Electronic Packaging and Interconnection Handb

Re: PCB fab supplier supplier/evaluation

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 08 11:15:32 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | Mike, | | | | Got your message and those of others concerning PCB fab supplier evaluation and qualification check lists, etc. I have a severe problem here in WI as I can hardly access the internet, and when I do it is cut off abruptly for no goo

Re: T sub g

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 26 11:27:12 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| | Alright gentlemen and ladies of the forum, I again seek knowlage on what is probably a well known fact. I have spent a good part of the morning with various IPC standards and weighty tomes such as the Electronic Packaging and Interconnection Han

Re: T sub g

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 26 15:37:50 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach

| | | Alright gentlemen and ladies of the forum, I again seek knowlage on what is probably a well known fact. I have spent a good part of the morning with various IPC standards and weighty tomes such as the Electronic Packaging and Interconnection H


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