Electronics Forum: diener parylen coating system (Page 1 of 1)

Parylene Coating and BGA Reliability

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 21 11:03:15 EDT 2013 | davef

I don't know about the papers that you seek. Try: Rakesh Kumar, Specialty Coating Systems, Inc., 7645 Woodland Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46278; 317-472-1266 F317-244-1215 rkumar@scscoatings.com

Omega Meter SMD 600 Ionograph

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 15 14:19:55 EST 2008 | aqueous

Specialty Coating Systems: (800) 356-8260 (317) 244-1200 http://www.scscoatings.com/parylene_equipment/omegameter.aspx Good Luck! Mike Konrad Aqueous Technologies www.aqueoustech.com konrad@aqueoustech.com

Re: Parylene Coating of Plastic Parts

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 06 07:18:48 EDT 1999 | Graham Naisbitt

| | | | | Has anyone out there tried to parylene coat plastic parts prior to soldering them to a pcb? I'm looking at several potential applications where fewer than 5% of my components on a pcb are plastic, yet from a reliability aspect (environmenta

Cleanliness Testing with ionograph

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 31 20:06:44 EDT 2009 | davef

Have you talked to people [Specialty Coating Systems 800-356-8260 317-244-1200 scscoatings.com/parylene_equipment/omegameter.aspx] about repairing your Omegameter? Major differences between the testers are: * Ionograph measures conductivity, while t

Ionic Contamination Tester

Electronics Forum | Wed May 14 20:33:52 EDT 2008 | davef

1 DYNAMIC TESTERS * Kenco ionic contamination tester (Zero-Ion) [Aqueous Technologies; http://www.aqueoustech.com 909-944-7771 Mike Konrad * Ionograph [Specialty Coating Systems; 7645 Woodland Dr, Indianapolis, IN, 46278; 800-356-8260 317-244-1200 F3

Re: Conformal Coating that doesn't require fancy equipment...

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 24 06:50:58 EDT 1998 | Wayne

| Hey youse guyz... | We're finally getting our first real job at the start-up I'm working at. It's actually a pretty unique little board too. Simple as all get out, but unique. You're not gonna believe what this goes into...guess? (I bet ya' you'll


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