Electronics Forum: differences sac305 sac302 (Page 1 of 6)

SAC 305 Reflow & SN100C Wave and Selective

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 15 10:48:34 EST 2007 | ck_the_flip

Is there anybody out there doing this scenario: SAC 305 Reflow & SN100C Wave and Selective Can the 2 alloys be mixed on 1 board, say, SAC 305 for SMT, and SN100C for thru-hole? Are 2 different rework chemistries needed, or can one use SN100c wire

Differences between solder paste alloy SAC305 and SAC405.

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 08:08:12 EDT 2021 | SN

Hi. Anyone in this forum experienced the lead-free solder paste SAC305 and SAC405? What are the differences to expect for solder paste with SAC305 and SAC405? What is the effect of silver (Ag) alloy in solder paste? It was really appreciated if could

SAC305 and Sn100c alloys

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 29 17:04:43 EST 2009 | jeffjarmato

I run two different waves here one with SAC305 with aqueous flux the other with SN100C and No clean flux. Does anyone see any issues with running product through either machine of course after changing the Flux type? I also only use SAC305 alloy for

Cu dissolution PTH

Electronics Forum | Thu May 25 12:28:56 EDT 2006 | inds

no there is lot of difference between both the alloys.. SN100C works better than SAC305... gives little more time to remove and replace the unit without completely loosing the Cu... but there are customers who still prefer sticking to SAC305... so th

Differences between solder paste alloy SAC305 and SAC405.

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 01 01:25:55 EDT 2021 | sn

Thank you Djo for your sharing. By the way, do you know that which field/product will prefer to use SAC405 paste instead of SAC305 or lower Ag wt% alloy solder paste?

Differences between solder paste alloy SAC305 and SAC405.

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 05 12:46:02 EDT 2021 | emeto

From what I understand SAC305 and SAC405 are considered low silver content and have the better overall mechanical qualities compared to more silver or no silver.

Differences between solder paste alloy SAC305 and SAC405.

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 08:47:25 EDT 2021 | majdi4

1)Though in many cases the difference between SAC305 and SAC405 was small,and not always statistically significant, it was observed that SAC405 generally outperformed SAC305 joints. Under 0°C to 100°C thermal cycling,no statistically significant

What to use SAC305 or SAC405??

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 17 01:45:16 EDT 2007 | Jane

There are several alloys had been using in the industry. For SMT: most people use SAC305 For Wave: most of them use SAC305,SC100C,SCS7,and SACX0307. Of course, different alloy composition have its own recommended profile. There is no such rule tellin

choices for SN100C for reflow

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 19 16:38:39 EST 2012 | dyoungquist

We are not using SN100C in our reflow process but I know the type of flux made a big difference with our SAC305 solder. We started out using no-clean flux in our SAC305 paste and were having some issues. We then switched over to a water soluble flu

Differences between solder paste alloy SAC305 and SAC405.

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 01 01:27:58 EDT 2021 | sn

Hi Davef, thank you for your information.

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