Electronics Forum: dima smt systems smro-0403 (Page 1 of 1)

IR oven profiling

Electronics Forum | Mon May 19 15:39:56 EDT 2003 | pjc

Curious. Are you finding no applications support from Dima or Manncorp (if a USA Dima customer) or Kester for that matter? DIMA SMT Systems NL. B.V. Beukelsdijk 2 5753 PA Deurne Netherlands Tel: +31 493 352 752 Fax: +31 493 352 750 sales@dimasmt.nl

Setup speed, Samsung, Yamaha or Juki ?

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 01 13:30:05 EDT 2022 | unisoft

>> ProntoPLACE creates programs from CAD or Gerber or XY rotation and BOM files for setup of SMT Pick & Place, thru-hole, manusert & dispensing machines, and includes the basic features of ProntoVIEW-MARKUP. Most machines are supported such as Assem

Component orientation

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 04 16:08:11 EDT 2022 | unisoft

>>>> The Unisoft ProntoPLACE software ( https://www.unisoft-cim.com/pcbplace.php ) creates programs from CAD or Gerber or XY rotation and BOM files for setup of SMT Pick & Place, thru-hole, manusert & dispensing machines, and includes the basic feat

Program verification

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 04 18:17:21 EDT 2022 | unisoft

>>>> The Unisoft ProntoPLACE software ( https://www.unisoft-cim.com/pcbplace.php ) creates programs from CAD or Gerber or XY rotation and BOM files for setup of SMT Pick & Place, thru-hole, manusert & dispensing machines, and includes the basic feat

Alternatives to CircuitCam

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 05 14:04:44 EST 2023 | unisoft

>> The Unisoft ProntoPLACE software ( https://www.unisoft-cim.com/pcbplace.php ) creates programs from CAD or Gerber or XY rotation and BOM files for setup of SMT Pick & Place, thru-hole, manusert & dispensing machines, and includes the basic feature


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