Electronics Forum: dimensions of wave soldering (Page 1 of 25)

Solderbridges wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 01 08:58:05 EST 2006 | russ

orientation is also a factor here, So what is the pitch of these connectors? the lead length? the hole dimensions? surface finish? and what type of wave and flux are you running? Shorts are pretty easy to eliminate if everything is of adequate des

Black residue at end of wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 16 18:38:30 EST 2000 | cpgoh

Hi, I would appreciate some help here.. I am black residue with my wave soldering provess with my Electrovert machine sometimes, they are dotted all over the board ! I am also using no clean flux through an externel spry fluxer unit.. thanks Darren

design guidelines for wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 03 02:11:35 EST 2008 | andrzej

I am working on instruction for potential customer about PCB design guidelines to make it easy for wave soldering (not selective). I have experience and have already gathered some info but I still need exact information about dimensions and distances

Re: Black residue at end of wave soldering

Electronics Forum | D.J. |

Thu Apr 27 18:55:05 EDT 2000

Re: Black residue at end of wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 17 21:44:14 EST 2000 | sosina_outry

Daren: suggestion from a friend of mine 1. Is residue on the top or bottom of the board? If on the bottom, then you might need to do solder dedross. if on the top, you might need to check 1. after spray flux, check for any excess flux on the top of

Re: Black residue at end of wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 03 01:17:37 EDT 2000 | cpgoh

I ever thot of changing the whole solder pot altogether but then it prove to be a costly measures.. If looking at the source of the problem, it might be mainly due to the way that the machine had been maintain... Anyone care to share how they are per

Re: Black residue at end of wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 17 03:27:20 EST 2000 | Wolfgang Busko

Darren: Do you know what these residues are ? How clean is your solderbath ? How often during a day do you clean it ? My first impression is that you deal with oxides. M2C Wolfgang

Re: Black residue at end of wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 04 05:56:52 EDT 2000 | Wolfgang Busko

Sorry to hear that Electrovert isn�t much help in your situation but the manufacturer of a system should be the first source of information on the equipment regarding preventive maintenance and troubleshooting. You should try to get in touch with th

Re: Black residue at end of wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 30 11:07:41 EST 2000 | Wolfgang Busko

> the dirty patch appear seems to be a bit powdery on top of stickiness > the "harden" dirt in the solder pot or at pump are ususally "knock" out while cleaning.. is that thorough enough..? Assuming that 1) is true it might not be thorough enough. On

Re: Black residue at end of wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 30 04:42:28 EST 2000 | cpgoh

HI all, thanks for the advise.. Electrovert is being used from 7am to 7pm and we do dedross from the surface of the solder bath during lunch time around 12nn. Break Time we just sweep them to the side.. Every two week, we do the solder bath maintena

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