Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 22 14:52:18 EST 2008 | wrongway
We run our process like that all the time paste then glue we use same profile as if we were just reflowing paste once in a while we have A plastic bodied part that has that problem we asume it was some mold relase still on the part basicly comtamena
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 28 12:11:10 EDT 2015 | davef
LED: [Light-emitting diode] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light-emitting_diode Neon lamp: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neon_lamp
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 08 14:19:30 EDT 1998 | Gary Simbulan
Earl, et al, Boy things get old and cold around here fast. I promised more detail on my capactior problem and I thought I could drop something completely different in the same message and tell a tale of solder balls. First the caps. We still have
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 19:53:29 EDT 2021 | lhd_qa
Hello everyone. I am new to the forum so I am sorry if this has been asked before. Does anyone have any suggestions for counting partial reels and cut tape? We are a distributor and for our ecommerce PDC we keep having quantity issues. Currently, we
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 16 15:01:58 EDT 1998 | Gary Simbulan
There are some common reason for capacitor cracking on my web page if you want to have a look. The document can be downloaded for your reference. | Earl, et al, | Boy things get old and cold around here fast. I promised more detail on my capactior
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 16 15:00:12 EDT 1998 | Gary Simbulan
There are some common reason for capacitor cracking on my web page if you want to have a look. The document can be downloaded for your reference. | Earl, et al, | Boy things get old and cold around here fast. I promised more detail on my capactior
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 08 15:29:17 EDT 1998 | Gary Simbulan
| Earl, et al, | Boy things get old and cold around here fast. I promised more detail on my capactior problem and I thought I could drop something completely different in the same message and tell a tale of solder balls. | First the caps. We stil
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 08 14:52:16 EDT 1998 | Gary Simbulan
| Earl, et al, | Boy things get old and cold around here fast. I promised more detail on my capactior problem and I thought I could drop something completely different in the same message and tell a tale of solder balls. | First the caps. We stil
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 12 19:48:47 EDT 2010 | bootstrap
I like what you're doing. 20 years ago anyone, hobbyists and tiny garage-shop companies could create electronics devices just as sophisticated and cool as big corporations. Today, SMT has largely trashed the creativity (and competition) that existe
Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 04 07:48:50 EST 2012 | dilogic
Are you sure that the parts are bouncing? We had similar problem where diodes were placed very closely and occasionally nozzle pushed already placed part away (due to pick-up tolerance)...