Electronics Forum: diode during reflow soldering (Page 1 of 95)

Problems with diode during wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 13 18:00:35 EDT 2012 | mark25y2001

possible problem are loading orientation, solder flow cannot reach the pad portion due to trap of the body of the diode... or try to adjust turbulent but observe overflow... because turbulent are penetrate solder to pad and terminal of the diode. ho

Problems with diode during wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 12:32:25 EDT 2012 | mark25y2001

just check if the pad and component terminal was traces of solder, if have? try to reduce preheat temp and solder bath temp... reason why solder not adhere because of component lead type, if more heat you apply solder flows and not completely adhere.

Problems with diode during wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 19 07:19:46 EDT 2012 | mbnetto

Hi Melissa, We mount this component in the bottom side with adhesive epoxy and the solder is done on the wave solder machine. During the wave solder machine, we have the problem as like the picture.. no solder in one of the pads...

Problems with diode during wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 13 15:44:02 EDT 2012 | mbnetto

Hi everbody, I'm facing some soldering problems with a Diode (SMA) during wave soldering process. During this process almost all the time one of the component pads have no solder, according to the picture dsc000604 attached. Some considerations: * T

Problems with diode during wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 13 21:18:16 EDT 2012 | vergara1

Hello, I was looking at your photos of this diode. I have a two question and I'm sure it maybe a simple fix. One, Is the diode actualy touching the pad;reason I ask is, I see that theres excessive amount of adhesive underneth the part. Two, did you

Problems with diode during wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 06:12:41 EDT 2012 | mbnetto

Hi Arturo. Thanks for you reply. The board is being loading so that the wave bath touch the 2 pads at the same time... I increased the chip wave in a maximum accepted level... One more rpm on the pump the wave sill overflow the board... Thanks...

Problems with diode during wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 06:17:48 EDT 2012 | mbnetto

Hi Melissa, thanks for you reply... I'll increase the placement force on this component so that it touchs better the board pad. Maybe it couldnt help due to stencil aperture. Maybe I'll have to change it. If you have more ideas, please share with m

Problems with diode during wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 18 21:37:06 EDT 2012 | vergara1

Hi Manoel, I want to make sure I understand what you are talking about; reading the reply,along with your replys it almost sounds as if we are not talking about the same thing. In your picture I'm seeing a SMT diode correct? You are talking about th

SMT diode

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 29 13:28:45 EST 2006 | jsloot

We have been experiencing a reflow issue with a SMT diode 4007. This is a SMA or DO 214-A package. It is a lead free part used with 63/37 paste no clean flux. The problem is it is not consistant. 100 diodes can be reflowed rock solid on the board and

Blowholes during wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 28 06:17:11 EDT 2007 | jgrootkoerkamp

I have problems with blowholes during the wave soldering process. I already find out that the stock time between reflow and wave is the most important. The longer the boards are in stock the more blowholes we have. We don't have a climat controlled

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