Electronics Forum: diode mr 2502 (Page 1 of 1)

Remunerative Technology Transfer for IDEAL DIODE

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 14 12:56:53 EST 2018 | lyqunj

Remunerative Technology Transfer for IDEAL DIODE The IDEAL DIODE is elusive to inventors, researchers and scientists worldwide for decades and also highly sought after by a multitude of industrial sectors. Mr. Zheng, a brilliant retired senior e

Re: flashing LEDs circuit

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 28 21:33:30 EST 1998 | P.L. Sorenson - Technical Consultant

| We are from Brazil and looking for a special kind of microchips: | Encapsulated microchip, battery operated, that drive 1 or 2 LEDs (light | emissor diode) to blink (JUST AN OSCILATOR). | (like the ones used in promotional musical CD box). we need,


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