Electronics Forum | Thu May 05 03:22:38 EDT 2005 | Hannu
I do not mean big, heavy transformers but rather small ferrite core transformers, with ferrites in the range of EF16 .. EF40. The weight of the lead and its percentage of the total weight is not the issue here. We simply do not want lead-containing t
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 31 09:10:04 EST 2017 | Rob
Hi Joshua, We've done both, but a lot depends on what soloution your machine vendor has, and how good it is. Can you add it into your machine acceptance criteria? Rob.
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 20 08:49:08 EDT 2006 | Chunks
a) Is there a recommended dip or dwell time for the dip soldering? Check your data sheet for the part. Dwell time is everything in selective soldering. Top side wetting is a good process indicator. b) How do we improve the solder coverage in the
Electronics Forum | Wed May 04 10:36:20 EDT 2005 | Rob
Hi Hannu, Just out of interest, are these big, heavy transformers, where the weight of lead in the solder will be less than 0.2% of the overall weight of the dipped part?
Electronics Forum | Mon May 09 10:52:29 EDT 2005 | patrickbruneel
Hannu, First and for all I have a problem with your question "tried and trusted" for the simple reason that you are going to change too lead-free. Ultrasonic soldering or welding is not new, as far as I know it is only used applying the ultrasonic
Electronics Forum | Wed May 04 08:41:01 EDT 2005 | Hannu
OK, granted, this is not exactly your hi-tech SMD production but pertains to lead-free so I'll post this anyway: Can anybody share their experiences on lead-free dip soldering of transformer terminals? I have not done any testing myself but have see
Electronics Forum | Wed May 04 10:44:55 EDT 2005 | russ
What exactly what "Ghastly" about it?
Electronics Forum | Thu May 05 09:50:29 EDT 2005 | patrickbruneel
Hi Hannu, You just gave a very realistic and practical view of the lead-free dilemma. The main reason that your coil coating doesn't get removed is because of the inability of lead free alloys to wet the surface and conduct the heat. Higher temperat
Electronics Forum | Wed May 04 12:14:18 EDT 2005 | rlackey
Hi Hoss, I was speculating - there are others out there with more experience in this field than me, who may know the definitive on this. I've heard rumours on transformers but nothing concrete. But I was guessing that the transformer (as a whole)
Electronics Forum | Mon May 09 01:30:40 EDT 2005 | Hannu
Hi Pat, And thanks for the sympathy :) This thing with ultrasonic transducer, is it something tried and trusted or is this a new idea for improving the wetting behaviour of leadfree alloys? This is completely new to me, can you please elaborate on