Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 30 12:29:55 EDT 2022 | ludo
hello, I am looking for information on new versions of Director fujiflexa and Medit. currently for Medit I am in version 18,4,0,13 and for Director fuji flexa I am in version 6,23,0,2 Is there a newer software version?
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 30 16:26:49 EDT 2010 | mikesewell
I think Flexa only outputs part data in binary format. From the Flexa help file for the Director-File menu: Export... Exports jobs or part data files (in binary format). Output Recipes Outputs the recipes in a job (in CCIMF format).
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 18 00:35:13 EDT 2012 | fujiphil
If you have the backup files for your program and proper. Try to flush-out the machine memory. Then try again to report CP4 to flexa. If the reporting went good, the communication must be ok. Resend the proper and program.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 18 14:35:56 EDT 2012 | kruzer
I can not send or receive proper of the machine, also i cant send or recive program. on the second computer I have, "ESMT 1.0.1," there without any problem computer communicates with the machine, but this is an old program and wants to have everythin
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 21 01:29:07 EDT 2005 | matjen
We are using Fuji-Flexa software and we are not sure where to go in the software to check the proper data. If anyone has Fuji-Flexa software and could direct us in the right direction please let me know. Thanks.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 20 02:02:54 EDT 2012 | fujiphil
Have you ever try to replace the CP4 CPU card? Please try replacing CPU. Some cases, machine will boot normal. But no communication to the other machine.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 17 15:26:08 EDT 2012 | kruzer
Hi I use CP4, CP6, CP643, GLV and NXT, but i have a problem with CPIV, i cant use It with Director Fuji Flexa. i use snifer rs232 (rs232mon) to resolve problem and what i know: Computer send on rs232 to machine (every 1 min or something): vQN2105
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 27 19:19:26 EDT 2006 | ____
nobody know? Nobody cares. You need to contact the Fuji office that will handle the new location of the machine. FLEXA is a piece of software. Good luck getting it transfered.
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 02 11:10:07 EST 2005 | jdengler
Hi AJ, I've never used the Flexa due to the price. We replaced our MCS with eSMT Software (web site http://www.esmt-software.com/). You might want to look at this if you don't need all of the Flexa features. We have older Fuji equipment (GSP's