Electronics Forum: dishwasher parts (Page 1 of 2)

Dish Washer for BGA Cleaning

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 09 01:41:35 EDT 2004 | Mike Konrad

Although water soluble (OA) flux is technically the easiest flux to remove, it is also the most damaging type of flux if not removed. A dishwasher lacks the pressure and nozzle design to produce the very small water particle size required for thorou

Looking for small Dishwasher type cleaning

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 24 13:42:41 EST 2004 | Frank Jachetta

Could you tell me what parts you used for the filter etc. This sounds like exactly what I need. Thank you, Frank Jachetta Multidyne

Flux residue?

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 30 14:35:35 EDT 2003 | clarkk

Hello all, We have received reports from two customers about electrical leakage on pcb assemblies that used Kester paste #HM531 (63/37) and washed with Kester 'Bio-kleen' saponifier and DI water. The leakage is such that when the boards receive power

oil contaminated PCB cleaning

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 05 14:29:14 EST 2010 | kaz

the board in question is from Foba Laser Engraver, it's a surface contamination coming from.. everywhere, a lot of moving parts that are lubricated. I'm now studding chemicals that we may use for our kind of rework & cleaning. We may think of modifyi

Looks like we'll be BGAing in the near future

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 06 14:36:07 EST 2008 | dphilbrick

We had a customer that had 5 BGA's top and 2 bottom and several other assemblies that had 4-7 total BGA's that required WS. Our average build quantity was 2200 boards a month. We used high end Maytag dishwashers and a little Amterge(SP?) Took them t

Aqueous wash chamber type

Electronics Forum | Wed May 15 15:58:11 EDT 2013 | rgduval

Let me see if I understand you correctly. You have a batch washer (looks like a dishwasher). There is a top and bottom spray fixture, which would normally spray water up at the board and down at the board being washed. When you place boards in t

Re: Batch Cleaners

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 08 16:53:41 EST 1998 | Ryan Jennens

Hey there Dave! We used to use a batch cleaner when we used water-clean paste. It was similar to a dishwasher, except that it had a digital menu for entering the number of wash cycles, water temp., amount of saponifier (we just used DI water),

Re: Batch Cleaners

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 08 18:40:04 EST 1998 | Graham Naisbitt

Hi all, Only observation I would make is that it depends upon what you term as clean? Now isn't that an old thorny question. Care to comment? Regards Graham | Hey there Dave! | | We used to use a batch cleaner when we used water-clean paste.

Re: Batch Cleaners

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 09 21:45:11 EST 1998 | Dave F

Graham: I agree. Very thorny. What is clean?? And how is that controlled?? Back 25 or so years ago, soldering was done with high solids rosin fluxes. The issue with cleanliness was ionic contamination. The US military and others set a fairly a

Re: Cleaning under, around, and through tight spaces

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 05 20:29:32 EST 1999 | Steve Gregory

| A question for you all! | | Back in the good old days, we didn't always know how clean was clean. Much has changed. Much hasn't. | | My question concerns cleaning under, through, and around tight spaces. Way back when, we could not clean under 20

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