Electronics Forum: dog ear (Page 1 of 1)

SMT defect pic or images

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 02 09:28:02 EST 2005 | bobsavenger

I am looking for images of solder paste defects like Past stringing, paste gorging and dog ears. I would also like to have the avi file to show how tombstoning happens in the reflow oven. Thanks Bob

MPM AP25, separation problems

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 09:27:36 EDT 2005 | russ

havfe you tried all paste manufacturers? Dog ears are usually from a little sticking to the aperture walls. this is usually the result of stencil design and or table seperation speed.

Squeegee angles

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 15 21:39:56 EST 2006 | Chunks In Cebu

H Steve, I understand what you're asking except the "defingin fine pitch bricks" thing. Do you mean there is better gasketing, less dog-earing after snap-off or something else? Just curious. I've always used 45 degrees.

Squeegee angles

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 16 10:04:41 EST 2006 | slthomas

"better gasketing, less dog-earing" I suppose gasketing could contribute but my assumption is that it's a function of better shearing action between the blade edge and the aperture wall. You get a more consistent shape on the top of the paste deposi

MPM AP25, separation problems

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 06:55:53 EDT 2005 | pavel_murtishev

Hello! I suspect that our MPM AP25 has separation problems (poor stencil � PCB separation). I observe a lot of �dog ears� after print stroke. And this is 100% machine problem, I�m sure. What machine parts should I check first time to avoid separatio

MPM AP25, separation problems

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 02 08:16:31 EST 2005 | pavel_murtishev

Hi! It goes away only for one or two print strokes. After them the problem arises again. After first print stroke I inspect a lot of �dog ears� and a lot of paste not released from the stencil (it�s not a stencil design problem, other machine prints

Solder Paste Inspection Criteria

Electronics Forum | Mon May 06 12:44:50 EDT 2002 | Bob Willis

The SMART Group is starting a new project on PPM Monitoring which will be providing average PPM yield data per month free to the industry. I would like to get feedback or exchange criteria for paste printing as non exists with in IPC or similar organ


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