Electronics Forum: domed leds (Page 1 of 3)

Placing domed parts with mydata

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 03 10:44:56 EST 2009 | lmartenson

We have been having problems placing a domed LED with a Mydata HYDRA. The pocket that the part comes in seems to have some slop causing the part to be picked crooked. We have been playing around with different custom tools. Has anyone had similar

Placing domed parts with mydata

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 03 12:39:16 EST 2009 | markhoch

Not sure what your job quantity is, or how many total parts you have to place, but we've had similar issues in the past trying to place domed LEDs. We had better luck cutting the tape into 25 or 50 piece strips and using double-sided tape to put the

SMT LED placement with Universal HSP 4791

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 11 17:19:15 EST 2005 | vickt

Clark, Which component type are you using? Deform? also, is this a domed led? and if so, are you using a nozzle with an approriate ID to seal on the body? Not every LED may be able to be placed with a 4791. Todd

LED sticking into carrier tape

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 09:45:58 EDT 2017 | dontfeedphils

Are you using a custom nozzle meant for the domed LEDs? If not, that should help quite a bit and are less expensive than you may think.

LED Pick up Issues during Feeder Feeding

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 13 09:11:48 EDT 2013 | smt_guy

Hi All, Need your advice / help. We have assembleon pick-and-place machines and we got some pick-up issues on certain LED's that are Dome Type. The LED's get off from the tape pocket during feeding due to the dome of the LED sticks on the tape surfa

LED sticking into carrier tape

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 09:27:13 EDT 2017 | tmennink

Hi all, We are having a lot of trouble with mis-pick trying to place silicone dome LEDs(3535 package) It seems that the silicone of the LEDs is sticking to the side wall of the carrier tape pocket. The vacuum nozzle would normally suck up the led an

Panasonic CM Nozzle shifts LED's positions

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 18 19:58:22 EDT 2022 | cbeneat

I had the same question. We have custom nozzles made by Count on Tools. I believe we found urethane works the best for the silicon domed LEDs. Have you slowed the feed rate down on the feeder? Also adjust the top tape to the back slot on the feeder.

Panasonic CM Nozzle shifts LED's positions

Electronics Forum | Fri May 13 22:16:16 EDT 2022 | alex22

Indeed, stickiness of LED dome varies from batch to batch. We didn't have much success with adjusting pick&mount settings. Also, usage of other nozzle (recommendation from SMT manufacturer) didn't help. Usually, we have a good experience with similar

LED sticking into carrier tape

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 11:23:56 EDT 2017 | OrHorti

We are using a custom made nozzle, designed for this particular LED. The dome of the LED is also custom made, the diameter of the lens at the base is 2.9mm while the substrate of the package is 3.3mm, so this gives about 0.2mm spacing between lens a

LED sticking into carrier tape

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 16:29:01 EDT 2017 | tey422

Try the method I mentioned earlier, it greatly improves most of the picked-but-drops issues. We never need to use any custom make nozzles, even for the trapezoid dome shaped LED we were having the issue with. Use smaller round diameter nozzle would

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