Electronics Forum: door contact (Page 1 of 3)

Advise on Semi Auto Cut and Clinch machines

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 17 17:40:58 EST 2003 | Barney

I am not sure where Dilbert is getting his information but the last I heard Contact was just about ready to close there doors. This information was from a customer doing bussiness with them

Dek 265

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 22 20:20:13 EDT 2012 | dekhead

You don't say which 265; presumbly since you say "bulb" it is either MK1 or GS with shuttered camera. Both those machines have potentiometers to control light levels. MK1 is on machine frame inside drop down (stencil load) door, near serial tag. GS

through hole today

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 12 15:51:29 EDT 2013 | gregp

Hi Dean, Thanks for the feedback. I suppose I should reveal the nature of my query. Contact Systems was founded by my father back in 1970. I worked there from 1983 until we closed the doors back in 2009. I acquired the assets and intellectual pro

Connector is falling down in the second reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 14 12:22:57 EST 2020 | etmpalletguy

OK, you can't glue, Pallet Guys pallets are out the door, dual line reflow prevents from any lower temp solder paste.... Do you have a 3D printer? Are there parts underneath the connector in question? Measure the PCB thickness, pint out a custom hold

Contact Systems CS-400 E problems

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 10 14:05:29 EST 2004 | dougt

The 400E has a computer on the bottom of the cabinet with a a Serial/Keyboard Card installed in it. J1 pins 19/20 are the cutters transmit/receive lines on this card, they go through a transition brd and on to the Cutter/Processor brd on the side do


Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 18 12:03:30 EDT 2023 | dskling

No. they struggle to move a little but not a full cycle. We have replaced the 3 control boards on the back door, both EMI filters, check and replaced all fuses, pulled the clinch head and swapped it with another working clinch head and that blew a c

Re: Turnkey vendor needed

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 22 22:47:38 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| Corvis has requirements for pc manufacture, parts procurement, and board assembly. This is to include boards of up to 10-12 layers, and down to 0603 SM components. If all of these are what you do, please contact me at: | | Corvis | Howard Levequ

metal squeegees hide printer deficencies

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 12 20:36:26 EST 1998 | Jon Medernach

| Using metal squeegees on GSPs has caused premature stencil wear. Has | anyone had any success with this combination? How much snap off did you | use? We are using .5 mm pitch and have a no clean process. Stencil wear is is minimal but exists. T

Contact System CS-400 E problems

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 04 23:27:38 EST 2004 | dougt

I did some work with 400E's and have can give you a couple things to try with your Y axis problem. 1. There is a file called stepperparms.exe that will load all the stepper parameters on the PCL IC's. Your y axix chip may have corrupt data on it.

Quad QSV-1 randomly destroying Z-rods

Electronics Forum | Sun May 11 17:29:17 EDT 2014 | bobpan

Most times when the machine oscillates when closing the doors it will be a problem with the digital i/o cards. I would check that the dip switch settings are correct. If they are correct i would look at replacing both of the cards. The boards are sub

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