Electronics Forum: dos & dots (Page 1 of 77)

pick and place adhesive dots

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 29 12:58:35 EDT 2015 | pankyb1261

Is there anyone that makes a pick and place glue dot for surface mount chip components (B stage epoxy dot in a carrier tape)? Thanks, Rich

Conformal coating mask dots and halos

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 26 12:01:08 EST 2010 | jdumont

Hey its probably the silicone adhesive

Conformal coating mask dots and halos

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 01 07:24:55 EST 2010 | jdumont

No problem just busting, trying to keep the mood light! Cheers

kapton dots and liquid solder mask

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 09 10:38:45 EDT 2005 | SuMoTe

Water soluable dots will wash off after reflow. A water soluable liquid mask will work as well. dots are better for defined (round)holes, whereas the liquid mask works well with odd shapes.

Conformal coating mask dots and halos

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 25 10:30:21 EST 2010 | davef

It sounds like your poly dots are secreting something that affects coating thickness. Is this a function of the adhesive used by poly dot supplier?

Conformal coating mask dots and halos

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 26 10:42:56 EST 2010 | mleber

Your masking dots are a silicone adhesive. Contact the supplier and tell them you need an acrylic adhesive on the same dots. Normally same cost and lead time.

Conformal coating mask dots and halos

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 01 09:17:56 EST 2010 | duso02

Hey....I think it might be the silicone adhesive! LOL Yeah, that'll do it. We use simple Shercon paper dots. Work like a charm. No evidence of "de-wetting".

kapton dots and liquid solder mask

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 15:09:06 EDT 2005 | pr

O.K. thanks, I'll look into it............through a rep, since all our boardhouses are in China/Taiwan. I'm seeing a pattern! thanks, pr

kapton dots and liquid solder mask

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 13:11:39 EDT 2005 | jsloot

We have our board house apply a peel coat mask that can be brushed off after wave or reflow. You need to brush off while it's still warm.

Conformal coating mask dots and halos

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 26 10:34:03 EST 2010 | kpm135

If I had to guess I'd say they're using a silicone based adhesive.

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