Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 29 12:58:35 EDT 2015 | pankyb1261
Is there anyone that makes a pick and place glue dot for surface mount chip components (B stage epoxy dot in a carrier tape)? Thanks, Rich
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 26 12:01:08 EST 2010 | jdumont
Hey its probably the silicone adhesive
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 01 07:24:55 EST 2010 | jdumont
No problem just busting, trying to keep the mood light! Cheers
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 09 10:38:45 EDT 2005 | SuMoTe
Water soluable dots will wash off after reflow. A water soluable liquid mask will work as well. dots are better for defined (round)holes, whereas the liquid mask works well with odd shapes.
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 25 10:30:21 EST 2010 | davef
It sounds like your poly dots are secreting something that affects coating thickness. Is this a function of the adhesive used by poly dot supplier?
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 26 10:42:56 EST 2010 | mleber
Your masking dots are a silicone adhesive. Contact the supplier and tell them you need an acrylic adhesive on the same dots. Normally same cost and lead time.
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 01 09:17:56 EST 2010 | duso02
Hey....I think it might be the silicone adhesive! LOL Yeah, that'll do it. We use simple Shercon paper dots. Work like a charm. No evidence of "de-wetting".
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 15:09:06 EDT 2005 | pr
O.K. thanks, I'll look into it............through a rep, since all our boardhouses are in China/Taiwan. I'm seeing a pattern! thanks, pr
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 13:11:39 EDT 2005 | jsloot
We have our board house apply a peel coat mask that can be brushed off after wave or reflow. You need to brush off while it's still warm.
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 26 10:34:03 EST 2010 | kpm135
If I had to guess I'd say they're using a silicone based adhesive.
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