Electronics Forum: downtimes (Page 1 of 19)

Downtime Calculation

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 06 08:55:07 EDT 2002 | Brandon

How do you calculate downtime of an SMT Line with 5 machines (1 Printer, 3 Pick and Place and 1 Oven)? Let's say that my stencil printer is down, since it is the beginning of my process my whole line is down. But if my 1st pick and place machine is

Epoxy on bottom of SMT component

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 03 02:44:27 EST 2007 | shy

Hi Loco, If i cover all the SMT component with peel off before reflow, it'll increasing downtime at my production site. To reduce the downtime, we had idea to add in the glue for component package 0805 and bigger.

Rheopump vs. squeegee

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 14 15:39:53 EDT 2001 | vance66

How long was your downtime on the install?

Line Capacity

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 12 16:28:36 EDT 2010 | rway

That said, having some sort of buffer to meet demand in case of machine downtime will probably be your best bet. It doesn't hurt to have spare parts on hand to mimimize downtime either. We do both. With some parts it may be economically unfeasable

Downtime on SMT lines

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 16 03:41:43 EST 2000 | Willem Combrinck

Hi everyone. I'm an industrial engineering student working at a manufacturing company in Cape Town, SA. Recently my boss wanted to know the causes of our downtime in SMT. Things like setups, unscheduled maintenance, debugs etc came up while I was doi

Re: Downtime on SMT lines

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 16 09:45:11 EST 2000 | DL

Where are the experienced operators? I'm sure they would have some good input to what it is you seek. How would this program you wrote know if the operators went to the bathroom during setup? Or took break? Or even waiting on incoming parts from ship

SMT Line Performance Measurement

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 27 15:56:29 EDT 2020 | tamasmagyar

Hi Processman, Where I worked before, as an SMT Department Leader, there were two more departments who ran SMT lines, and we had a task from the CEO to decide to how we measure our performances. The result was like this: - first of all, you will ha

Escalation process

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 17 12:27:57 EDT 2001 | nifhail

Can anyone share with me the best timing for the escalation process, let it be either equipment downtime or process downtime ? Our SMT line is really up to the throat. I used to hv an escalation process like, say if the printer down, the machine will

Downtime Calculation

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 17 07:48:43 EDT 2002 | bentzen

Hi Brandon. You should always try to optimize / "balance" your line in a way so the machine with the shortest time per placement is your bottleneck. The other machines in the line should then have a 10 - 20 sec sorter cycle time, to be able to cope

Line Capacity

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 13 13:58:50 EDT 2010 | dcell_1t

time available then you have capacity issues... most of the time downtime is not considered for "ideal" calculation, but is highly recommended to consider it. You have to consider alternatives if your capacity is over 90 % this is where you need to b

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