Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 09 16:55:02 EST 2011 | davef
We agree with the previous poster. Open-up your aperture to increase the amount of solder paste. If you don't have a heel fillet, go home.
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 08 02:28:03 EST 2011 | nagesh
I have an issue with PLCC Insufficient Heel solder joint fillet.The aperture dimension is : 30 x 100 mils on PCB & on stencil also(1:1 per gerber).Rohs Process. My stencil thickness is 5mils due to presence of Tssop & QFP package & i cannot increase
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 06 17:50:39 EST 1999 | Kantesh Doss
Christopher: Thank you for sharing your experience about the DPAK. Yes, out part has a heat sink at the bottom. Our stencil opening was 7 mils (in both X and Y) smaller than the pad size excepting that the stencil opening consisted of a series of zeb
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 20:32:31 EDT 2007 | davef
On one hand, nothing in that states that you need a heel fillet. It only talks to the length of the side fillet. On the other hand, we suggest that you should use to determine if your heel fillet is acceptable, after you have determ
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 20:44:58 EDT 2007 | raychamp007
If the solder joint meeting, minimum side joint length(D) and also meeting, minimum heel fillet height (F) but the heel fillet NOT extend to the mid point of outside bend. It is acceptable?
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 17:31:08 EST 2001 | davef
Hold off on the sharp knife for little bit. [Yano, I get "queasy" when I see much of my blood, but other people�s blood doesn�t bother me much. Weird, eh?] [Oh bye-da-bye, I didn�t win the bar bet on "Ground Hog Day". I didn�t loose it either. T
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 20:49:39 EDT 2007 | raychamp007
3W. Figure 8-84 shown evidence of heel bend wetting(but no written criteria mention about the solder fillet must present at the heel bend). It is acceptable if the minimum D(3W/75%L)extend from toe which is no evidence of solder fillet at heel bend?
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 26 11:20:39 EST 2001 | dblsixes
The pads are 0.070 x 0.012 ... as spec'ed, and as measured. The pad extends approximately 0.017 behind where the Class 3 fillet is required to be. (It used to be 0.037 on an older design that exhibited similar, but not as bad of heel fillets.)
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 03 06:13:23 EST 2010 | grahamcooper22
The picture shows that the heel of the device lead is not on the pad. Either bad placement or wrong pad dimensions. I imagine most customers would reject this joint as only a small part of the lead is actually in the solder. With no heel fillet the j
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 07 12:35:38 EST 2002 | slthomas
Sounds like you're talking about the "heel" of the lead not being soldered, in other words, no heel fillet, which IS necessary. That problem, for us, was attributed primarily to poor layout (insufficient length of pad extension to provide room for