Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 06 08:20:13 EDT 1998 | Charles Stringer
| Does sombbody know what DPM rate a good and reliable SMT assembly line (incl. solder paste print, assembly and feflow soldering) has? | DPM is Defects per million, usually measured on components. We run a process consisting of small to medium batch
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 06 00:51:31 EDT 1998 | Tony B
| Does sombbody know what DPM rate a good and reliable SMT assembly line (incl. solder paste print, assembly and feflow soldering) has? | Chris, It may be helpful if you could translate DPM into a meaningful phrase as many people (myself included) m
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 07 03:37:39 EDT 1998 | Christoph Prem
| | Does sombbody know what DPM rate a good and reliable SMT assembly line (incl. solder paste print, assembly and feflow soldering) has? | | | Chris, | It may be helpful if you could translate DPM into a meaningful phrase as many people (myself inc
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 06 15:41:14 EDT 1998 | Mike C
| | Does sombbody know what DPM rate a good and reliable SMT assembly line (incl. solder paste print, assembly and feflow soldering) has? | | DPM is Defects per million, usually measured on components. We run a process consisting of small to medium b
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 05 00:57:17 EDT 2000 | Roni Haviv
Hello, I need some information about the DPM of escape defects that were detected in ICT -not including defects that were detected in visual inspection sooner. I'll appreciate any kind of information, Thanks Roni
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 05 03:17:32 EDT 1998 | Christoph Prem
Does sombbody know what DPM rate a good and reliable SMT assembly line (incl. solder paste print, assembly and feflow soldering) has?
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 07 10:55:51 EST 2008 | slthomas
Not sure if you need help with the calculations or the application, so from the beginning: d=defective parts, p=number of parts, dpm=defects per million parts In a nutshell, d/p=dpm/1000000, so dpm=d/p*1000000 We use dpmo (defects per million op
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 06 15:42:59 EDT 2000 | pr
Check the archives it's loaded with info. good luck
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 10 08:03:54 EDT 2001 | stefwitt
I wonder if the author meant defect per million ( DPM )report.
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 28 16:29:59 EST 2006 | qualityengineer
DPMO or DPM based data usage also of interest.