Electronics Forum: dpmo oppurtunities calculation (Page 1 of 4)

Data for PPM and DPMO Calculation

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 02 19:10:45 EDT 2008 | arminski

Hi, Say I'm going to calculate my PPM and DPMO, do I have to include in my defects data an item that the root cause is already identified? example is if I have 4 components with Land Design issues (incorrect dimension) and is causing me insufficient

Supplier Rating PPM/DPMO

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 28 16:42:21 EST 2004 | davef

Consider what you are trying to assess. Any product with one or more defects will cost you money. Your supplier should be using: 9261 - In-Process DPMO and Estimated Yield for Printed Board Assemblies You should be using: 7912 - Calculation of DPM

DPMO calc and Overall Manufacturing Index (OMI) calculations

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 27 19:24:00 EDT 2001 | sharafali

It has been mentioned that DPMO offers large advantages over First Pass yield calculations for measuring process performance!!regarding the same I have a few queries: What are the benchmarks for using DPMO as measures of process performance? How is

IPC-7912, IPC-9261 DPMO

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 23 21:15:15 EDT 2008 | ikonify

Has anyone been using the following documents for DPMO and any feedback on them? IPC-7912 - Calculation of DPMO & Manufacturing Indices for Printed Board Assemblies IPC-9261 (In-Process DPMO Estimated Yield for PWA) Also is there any databases rea

DPMO calc and Overall Manufacturing Index (OMI) calculations

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 04 14:13:56 EDT 2001 | mparker

Brian - do you have any more info regarding the in-process DPMO? Is there a working standard number to reference? What commitee is working on this?

DPMO calc and Overall Manufacturing Index (OMI) calculations

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 12 20:50:26 EDT 2001 | davef

Look at "DPMO: A Tool For Achieving World-Class Process Quality" Charles-Henri Mangin, SMT magazine, 8/00, p 77-78

DPMO calc and Overall Manufacturing Index (OMI) calculations

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 05 11:59:13 EDT 2001 | mparker

thanx mucho

DPMO as a metic to qualify a CEM as World Class

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 29 16:04:29 EST 2007 | BillW

Thanks Russ and John, To clarify defects when manufacturing a PCBA, I use (2) groups of defect categories, one for components and one for solder joints. These can be calculated separately or combined A component defect could be: Missing, Miss-alig

DPMO calc and Overall Manufacturing Index (OMI) calculations

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 05 08:22:48 EDT 2001 | davef

Jack Crawford, IPC Director of Assembly Standards and Technology says "IPC-7912 is used for end-item DPMO calculation; one gathering of DPMO data at the end of the entire assembly process. IPC-9261 will be used throughout the manufacturing process so

Re: SMT Yields- Dean please explain-thanks.

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 21 12:02:58 EST 2000 | K. Ckak

Hi Dean, Can you please tell me how we could incorporate DPU to DPMO? Also, can you please explain the deviation factor DPU * deviation factor = DPMO ? Should we take dollar value or number of joints? Explain with calculations if you please. Thanks

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