Electronics Forum: dry air versus nitrogen (Page 1 of 3)

Nitrogen and dry cabinet

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 29 21:41:22 EDT 2002 | davef

Rite. Moisture, not N2, in the air is the issue.

Re: N2 vs. Air Reflow Soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 15 11:45:38 EST 2000 | DaveJ

All, Thanks for your quick response. However, my primary concern is not the question of solderability advantages of nitrogen versus air. With all things (zone temps, track speeds, flow rates, etc.) being equal, what would be the profile differences o

Nitrogen Reflow leaving residue on Solder Joints

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 21 02:21:23 EST 2025 | hartf

The primary function of flux in solder paste is to remove metal oxides during reflow. In a protective gas environment with nitrogen, less metal oxides are produced than in an air environment. Flux consumption is also lower, so there will be more flu

Online storage of ICs

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 30 07:34:01 EST 1998 | Liam Mc Dwyer

Hi Anybody got advice on the online storage of sensitive ICs. ie dessicator cabinets with Nitrogen or dry air. I am looking at Nitrogen, but it is a costlty option. Appreciate any inputs. Rgds Liam

N2 vs. Air Reflow Soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 15 08:44:17 EST 2000 | DaveJ

I need some advise from the reflow experts. In your experience in nitrogen versus air reflow, what would be the differences in profile parameters? For example, if I profiled a board in nitrogen and achieved (for a particular component) ramps rates un

Nitrogen Storage

Electronics Forum | Tue May 14 14:48:33 EDT 2002 | fmonette

Hi Dason, Here is some relevant information that you might find useful : J-STD-033, section Dry Box : "Components may be placed in a dry box, capable of maintaining 25+/-5C and less than 10%RH. Nitrogen or dry air may be used." In other w

Nitroflow 60 Nitrogen Generator Scroll Compressor

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 07 13:56:31 EDT 2024 | ttheis

This machine has a compressed air storage tank built in, about 11 gallons. I am not using a storage tank after the N2 outlet but I am considering putting a small one in. We are trying to use this to feed a selective solder machine. I was not under

Nitroflow 60 Nitrogen Generator Scroll Compressor

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 07 18:43:24 EDT 2024 | mistrthou

I had looked into getting one for the same reason. It's highly recommended to have a small supply tank after the N2 generator to buffer the supply and demand. Also, they quoted us an extra dryer going into the N2 generator. It needs to be completely

Vacuum sealing of MSD components

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 17 06:54:17 EDT 2013 | deanm

We manufacture according to military Class 3 standards and we do not vacuum seal any MSD devices. Your current method of dry packing is sufficient as well as dry cabinet or nitrogen storage. A light evacuation of air during the dry packing process

Vacuum Bags

Electronics Forum | Wed May 16 13:40:19 EDT 2007 | slthomas

"I read a study a while back by IBM that showed too strong a vacuum would cause too much moisture to enter the bags." That's what the nitrogen is for. If you pull a vacuum w/o backfilling with something dry, like nitrogen, pretty soon the vacuum ove

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