Electronics Forum: dual lane oven (Page 1 of 11)

Dual lane SMT lines

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 12 12:00:13 EDT 2024 | jdengler

How would you print 2 different products in the same line? This seems to me to be the sticking point on that approach. I don't see enough benefit of dual lane to justify the added expense. Remember you will need to have dual lane conveyors possibl

Dual lane vs double line SMT

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 06 08:32:20 EST 2020 | SMTA-Ken

Volume dictates throughput required. High-Volume = Requires redundant processes, Two Lines. Mid-Volume = Dual Lane or Two Lines. Low-Volume = Single Line. So Mid-Volume is the only volume scenario that a case for dual lane could be made. Dual Lane :

Dual lane vs double line SMT

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 04 03:32:55 EST 2020 | tamasmagyar

Hi toki, First of all it depends on how much the company would like to invest in such a methodology. Second of all, why would you make a line to be single lane - double line one after each other, is that automotive / medical standard, not to handle

Dual lane vs double line SMT

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 05 03:01:06 EST 2020 | leo_dektec

Hello toki, The only factor you need to consider is the production yield. If the volume is really high, need two smt line to run continually to meet the production, then u have no choice. If the volume is not that much, then u can consider below smt

Dual lane SMT lines

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 12 11:38:42 EDT 2024 | tommy_magyar

You could probably take the data of your most complex AND high runner board to the machine supplier and ask them to simulate what is the gain of the dual lane compared to the single lane. Most likely the best thing to do.

Dual lane SMT lines

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 04 15:02:27 EDT 2024 | tommy_magyar

I wouldn't get a dual conveyor pick and place machine unless there is a huge amount of boards to be built over a long time - like automotive industry.

Dual lane SMT lines

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 17 09:55:03 EDT 2024 | tommy_magyar

I agree with jdengler. Unless you have long contracts for a product (or a few similar products) to run constantly on a dual conveyor line, I don't see how this will pay off.

Dual lane SMT lines

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 11:43:11 EDT 2024 | sophyluo1985

Correct, you can use a dual-track pick-and-place machine, but the front-end machine must be able to meet your production, such as a printer. If you are back-to-back, what is the CPH of your pick-and-place machine? What is the size of your PCB? If po

Dual lane SMT lines

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 14 21:24:23 EDT 2024 | simonattwood

There is at least one printer I've seen that takes two stencils at a time and runs them in parallel. Another has a two conveyors and will use one to pass through with the idea that you'd put two printers next to each other, feeding different sides of

Dual lane SMT lines

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 16 08:06:25 EDT 2024 | ginny

hello, sir: I have two units of MPM momentum BTB can meet your back to back configurations. if you want,Please let me know. other thing is if you can put the samsung dual lane f2 under your consideration, I'm also have some.Have a good day.

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