Electronics Forum: dumping (Page 1 of 23)

Universal GSM dumping trays with parts still in!!

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 09 14:30:17 EST 2001 | vickt

FYI...Universal has software that "senses" if parts are present in the PTF trays or not. With some upgraded s/w your dumping would be over

Universal GSM dumping trays with parts still in!!

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 08 06:45:30 EST 2001 | genglish

I am having a problem with a Universal GSM machine (Platform Tray Feeder)dumping trays with parts still in the trays, subsequently damaging the leads. Is it possible to program the machine so if any part is not picked from the tray in the matrices a

Universal GSM dumping trays with parts still in!!

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 08 16:00:03 EST 2001 | gsmguru

Enter A value of -1 in the Tray pickup X & Tray pickup Y fields. This will disable the automatic empty tray pickup by the machine. I would recommend getting a data sheet on the tray from the component vendor for accurate pocket & tray dimensions. Var

Universal GSM dumping trays with parts still in!!

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 08 09:08:47 EST 2001 | jax

Your safest bet is to manually remove the trays. The problem with what you want is that the machine does not know that it missed a part. It simply goes to the point you specify and tries to pick somthing up; if it doesn't pick up anything it believes

Universal Multimod Dump Valve Issue

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 02 13:19:52 EDT 2010 | remullis

I am having issues with the air dump on this machine. When you palm down or break interlocks the air dumps as it should however I'm getting a short burst of air back through the system. The problem with this is it's just enough to trigger the table l


Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 24 15:52:53 EST 1998 | Bill McKnight

| Has anyone experianced Core Dump errors with their MYDATA TP9? | My machine (2/96) has 26 million placements and my operators | have recorded 253 core dumps in 1996, 238 in 1997, and 18 in | January of 1998. We run one job on the machine, period.


Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 23 14:26:25 EST 1998 | Greg Rust

Has anyone experianced Core Dump errors with their MYDATA TP9? My machine (2/96) has 26 million placements and my operators have recorded 253 core dumps in 1996, 238 in 1997, and 18 in January of 1998. We run one job on the machine, period. Our prev

Quad will not dump parts into bucket.

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 07 15:48:03 EST 2016 | ahanna

Hey everybody! So my Quad 4000c has been acting funny lately. When it goes to dumb a rejected part into the dump bucket it doesn't actually drop the component. This results in it trying to pick up another part with the previous part still on the nozz

Simplimatic 8080 buffer issue with dump

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 18 11:38:18 EDT 2024 | babe7362000

I am trying to figure out why the stacker goes up when you press the dump button. Then I have to lower it by hand to rehome. It then will rehome and go to where it needs to on the 1st slot.


Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 24 00:07:17 EST 1998 | Scott

| Has anyone experianced Core Dump errors with their MYDATA TP9? | My machine (2/96) has 26 million placements and my operators | have recorded 253 core dumps in 1996, 238 in 1997, and 18 in | January of 1998. We run one job on the machine, period.

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