Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 27 16:27:57 EDT 2005 | GS
It may be you should look for higher TG of Durapol Rgds GS
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 13 15:40:44 EDT 2007 | slthomas
Edited because I completely misinterpreted your post. We used 2 lengths of Durapol with slots for the board edges and a shorty (free-floating, not attached) under the middle. Not much more elaborate than your titanium shims but we had it laying aro
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 22 18:32:31 EST 1999 | Jason Nipper
Thanks Rob, I figured a PM schedule would be a must. I will be checking out Durapol in my next pallet.
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 18 10:08:51 EDT 2006 | russ
We use materials such as G10, durapol, or FR4. We put a lot of holes in the fixtures so that only enough material is left to support the board during reflow to prevent sag/ warp or whatever. We also try and keep all bot side material in unpopulated
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 01 13:56:05 EST 2006 | Steve
Any idea where I may purchase Durapol or Durastone material to fabricate a fixture for use in a reflow oven? Is there any other material (non-metal) that can be used for this application? Thanks!
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 19 04:53:12 EDT 2010 | magnifico
Please, can anyone suggest a good material for wave solder jigs or carriers? Been using Durapol but this material is quite expensive. Any alternative?
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 10 12:52:02 EDT 2019 | slthomas
The only material I've ever heard of for these applications is the one that you have already rejected (Durostone). There is a similar material called Durapol, and if memory serves me correctly it is somewhat cheaper than Durostone.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 15 15:09:45 EDT 2002 | peterson
Hi all, I am trying to find some data that will show me the typical lifespan for a wave pallet. I realize that it depends on material used (Durapol, for instance) temp profile, etc and I HAVE checked the fine SMT archives... Anyone have an average n
Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 01 15:07:46 EST 2012 | davef
I don't know of a Eurolander pallet source. If I was a Eurolander and wanted to find pallet suppliers, I'd call the suppliers of pallet materials and ask them which of their customers that I should consider. Durostone CCR/Durapol IGM L200/Glastic CB
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 30 12:32:15 EDT 1998 | CHAD HAIMA
I am looking for a material which may be used to deflect heat / shield a component from heat. The component would be exposed to the heat during the card reflow process. | | I would need the material to be of such a nature that I could form a cov