Electronics Forum: dwell time for hand soldering (Page 1 of 6)

Preheater for hand soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 20 15:20:34 EST 2013 | hegemon

Depending on your requirements, you could range from a hair dryer, heat gun, toaster oven, hot plate, on up to digitally controlled surfaces and convective systems. You'll have to gauge for yourself whether you are just trying to add some heat energy

SMT solder pad design for hand soldering

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 19 12:00:07 EDT 2003 | modeltech

I am completely new to SMT design and for my next project I plan to use SMT for the first time. Since production volumes of the PCB's will be low, hand soldering is definitely an option, and will be necessary for my prototype PCB assembly. My proble

Looking for data on hand placed production component?

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 06 06:47:00 EST 2002 | francoiscal

Hello, Does any one as a database regarding component assemble by hand on a PCB. More accuratelly how much time (per sec) does it take to bend leads on a component(res), time to insert the component by hand, time to solder by hand. Any time base dat

Looking for data on hand placed production component?

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 06 12:14:34 EST 2002 | caldon

We would benchmark our times with the most experienced operator and them boost the time by 1/3. Example: If it takes Mary 3sec to insert the component, 3 secs to clinch and cut the leads (it is not advised to cut the leads after soldering), and 8 sec

Looking for data on hand placed production component?

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 07 02:33:44 EST 2002 | cmay

I agree with Dave. The only reliable way is to perform a time study using a watch with decimal minutes. Setup the study using an average rated operator and time 10 component insertions (from pick up to hands off), time 10 component soldering operati

Wave soldering profiling

Electronics Forum | Thu May 06 19:13:24 EDT 2004 | Greg York

Watch your dwell time especially if larger components. Problem is normally associated with lower temp as well as insufficient flux coverage with larger massed boards or ground planes. Try to hand spray a board to check that fluxer operation is OK. If

Blowholes during wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 03 09:48:12 EDT 2007 | davef

Joris We don�t know the maximum period to store the boards without having problems with blowholes. Too many variables to determine. We prefer to just fix the problem, but understand that you have stock that you need to build-down. Determining mois

SPC for Wave solder (defects on PCB's)

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 15 19:20:46 EST 2006 | Mr. Samir

Russ, On both instruments, I ran them through the wave 20 times each using identical profiles and wave parameters, and then used statistical formulas to measure the variation and repeatability of each. I had these all in Excel, but that was around 1

Stencil for BGA re-balling

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 11 09:19:17 EST 2008 | davef

By the way you asked the question, we assume that by "reballing" you mean bumping, we should be able to figure that out: * Volume of the ball = ( pi*d^�)/6 = [355/113] *0.6*0.6*0.6]/6 = 0.11mm^3 * Volume of solder required = 2*volume of ball = 2*0.11

Books for SMT

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 16 20:34:17 EST 2007 | davef

DAVE�S BOOKSHELF ASSEMBLER�S ESSENTIALS Title: Soldering in ElectronicsAuthor: RJ Klein WassinkPublisher: Electrochemical PublicationsISBN: 090115024XPublication date: December 1989 I know, I know. The book was written in 1989!!!! I use this b

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