Electronics Forum: e191 (Page 1 of 1)

Difference between Alpha metals SLS65 and E191 fluxes

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 30 16:18:37 EDT 2002 | mantis

Can anyone tell me the difference between the these 2 fluxes as i cant find a data sheet(i searched the alpha metals website) for the E191.I know the the 2 fluxes are both no clean but other than that?? The reason i ask is i found some E191 in our st

Difference between Alpha metals SLS65 and E191 fluxes

Electronics Forum | Wed May 01 10:16:05 EDT 2002 | davef

Consider contacting Alpha Metals at http://www.alphametals.com/tech_services/index.html

White residue on PCB's

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 11 09:55:10 EDT 2000 | Ian Harrison

Some boards that are populated by one of our subcontractors are getting a white powdery residue forming on them. I think it is the non clean flux and process which they are using that is causing the problem. Their process is as follows. Flux is put i


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