Electronics Forum: each (Page 1 of 305)

length of each furnace

Electronics Forum | Thu May 27 05:41:38 EDT 2004 | 6611

length of each furnace I want to know the length of each furnace heat zone (1- 10 zone and buffer)in unit centimeters of BTU PARAGON 150 Thankyou,

length of each furnace

Electronics Forum | Thu May 27 09:32:08 EDT 2004 | russ

Do you have a tape measure?

Isolate two power input connectors from each other

Electronics Forum | Mon May 02 23:24:08 EDT 2016 | ttheis

Look at "power isolators" or using transformers with AC to isolate power supplies.

Isolate two power input connectors from each other

Electronics Forum | Mon May 02 14:10:24 EDT 2016 | gan_ceanach

Hi, Could someone point me in direction (article, project, schema or company that could do this prototype) how to isolate two power inputs (A and B) connectors from each other? When A is connected it does not pass current to B connector? Also on

How to calculate ideal WIP at each stations for JIT line

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 21 19:27:54 EST 2001 | Steve

In a true JIT system, there is no WIP, only raw materials and finished goods. (RIP is the raw in process.) In this type of system, you should only have one board at each work station, with possibly some assemblies in kanbans in between stations. Ev

How to calculate ideal WIP at each stations for JIT line

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 20 05:09:24 EST 2001 | zam_bri

How do we calculate number of board ( WIP ) at every stations for JIT lines. Inputs are welcome.

How to calculate ideal WIP at each stations for JIT line

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 20 20:07:29 EST 2001 | davef

I can't comment on the firm, but the approach is a good starting point for calculating your Kanbans is with capacity lot sizing http://www.synchronousmanagement.com/cls.html

Reflow profile adjustment with different kind of PCB

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 11:44:50 EDT 2004 | Dreamsniper

The best is, create 2 different profiles for each PCB type. Then segregate or separate them and do not let them run together in one line. Switch to the proper profile settings each time you change to other PCB type. This is the best. Each PCB materia

Programming feeder Setup

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 23 16:59:32 EST 2004 | Terrapin Station

At 30 seconds each feeder change = 30 min x 4 times each day. that is 2 hours. Based on 5 days each week x 50 weeks, you have 250 working days (do not know how many holidays you have). 250 working days x 4 hours =1000 hrs. How much does each hour of

Press fit parts help

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 15 03:59:00 EDT 2014 | rob

Are you using specific tooling for each part, or just generic? If so it could be pushing down at an angle and slightly tearing the PCB. We use the same style press as you but make custom fixtures to fit each connector and hold each PCB tight.

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