Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 31 09:01:32 EDT 2008 | stepheniii
Aren't you worried about false passes? With that low of false fails, you must be only inspecting easy stuff like presence and not checking for correct parts.
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 22 16:39:10 EDT 2009 | rmitchell
Hi, We are getting a E-Hydra-1 Frame grabbing failed on caps and resistors and also a Light Curtain trigger X wagon. I spoke with mydata and they indicated the light curtain might be getting set off and causing the frame grabbing failure. I cleane
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 14 11:37:44 EDT 2006 | shawnvike
find the problem? Were the parts failing > electrically? Or did someone start prying them > and decide they were too weak? Originally found the problem going through some older assemblies that had failed testing. Poked at leads and found them no
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 25 15:03:48 EDT 2011 | sjs2303
Hi Bert, For your second issue, are the tools well lubricated? If not the Midas head can fail to grab the tool and can generate the z motor error. Doing this followed by a base-centre level measurement should resolve your problem. Steve
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 01 19:02:48 EST 2022 | proceng1
USC PArk is your underside stencil cleaner. The camera pushes it back and a magnet grabs it and holds it back. Ours did this many years ago. I pulled the rear cover and initialized the machine, when the camera pushes the stencil back, grab it and
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 22 22:16:18 EST 2021 | dontfeedphils
From what I remember it was pretty easy/straightforward. I'd grab an image of the bottom side of the panel from our AOI, scale it, and load it into the offline programming suite. Program flux and solder paths, then iron out the kinks online during th
Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 31 17:36:44 EST 2004 | Ian
GerberGrab does exactly this, and it's low cost, and you can use it for a month for free. It is a sophisticated but easy to use reverse engineering tool which will automatically generate top / bottom BOMs with placement and rotation after teaching of
Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 31 17:33:15 EST 2004 | Ian
GerberGrab does exactly this, and it's low cost, and you can use it for a month for free. It is a sophisticated but easy to use reverse engineering tool which will automatically generate top / bottom BOMs with placement and rotation after teaching of
Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 31 17:38:42 EST 2004 | Ian
GerberGrab does exactly this, and it's low cost, and you can use it for a month for free. It is a sophisticated but easy to use reverse engineering tool which will automatically generate top / bottom BOMs with placement and rotation after teaching of
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 05:01:07 EDT 2004 | rlackey
Hi JB, Thanks for the reply. I have a few questions if that's ok: 1) how easy is are the machines to program? 2) how reliable are they, and what is the support like? 3) what levels of false fails are you getting? 4) do they miss many errors? Cheer