Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 02 16:37:18 EDT 1998 | SMT-ASSY
We sent you our brochures through your Email address. SMT-ASSY Electronique Inc. offers training to operators, technicians, engineers or any other individuals that requires hands on training on hand soldering, board rework and the surface mount tech
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 01 02:18:19 EDT 1998 | Bob Willis
| | | I am interested in attending SMT training that are essential for the succesfull integration of surface mount technology in our operation.Please advice course ,location and time. | See the following IPC link. You may like to check out the CD-R
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 14:53:57 EDT 1998 | Jan Pasternak
I am interested in attending SMT training that are essential for the succesfull integration of surface mount technology in our operation.Please advice course ,location and time.
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 15:02:47 EDT 1998 | Doug Nebel
| I am interested in attending SMT training that are essential for the succesfull integration of surface mount technology in our operation.Please advice course ,location and time. See the following IPC link.
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 15:15:22 EDT 1998 | Doug Nebel
| | | I am interested in attending SMT training that are essential for the succesfull integration of surface mount technology in our operation.Please advice course ,location and time. | See the following IPC link. Sorry I didn't addthe title with t
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 03 15:55:12 EDT 2017 | action_101
My company pays for me to get certified to be an in house IPC trainer and I receive a certificate that says I am certified for two years, but IPC says halfway through the two years that I need to take another course to be able to hold an official cla
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 14 16:29:37 EST 2018 | cbart
I agree 100% with you!! this was nothing more than a way to generate $$$$. the course was a complete joke! the person we contract to train our trainer and some of our ipc-620 folks thought the very same thing, she was very frustrated with it. we paid
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 24 13:20:58 EDT 2009 | rtpscan
JT, Circuit Technology, Inc. is having a free online technical seminar describing the IPC courses and there relevance. You should check that out and there should be other customers there that may also have feedback for how their programs are workin
Electronics Forum | Tue May 05 08:18:28 EDT 1998 | Jon Medernach
Good luck, I would advise you to contact the National Training Center for Microelectronics in Bethlehem, PA. They have actual courses in all aspects of SMT assembly and they are reasonable. As far as equipment for startup, I would look for used if
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 16 15:38:46 EDT 2008 | ck_the_flip
This person needs to have the "mental faculties" and a basic understanding of science, and understand concepts like flux, solder paste, time vs. temperature curves, etc. Do they have to be a metallurgist?? Of course not, but at the minimum they hav
Blackfox is the industry leader in providing IPC Certifications, Solder Training, Customized Training Programs, and Counterfeit Component Training and Certification.
Training Provider / Standards Setting / Certification / Manufacturer / Consultant / Service Provider
701 Delaware Ave. Unit B
Longmont, CO USA
Phone: 303-684-0135