Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 09 09:22:40 EST 2004 | Tobias
Hello, i'm searching for a way to remove bga's easy and cost effective. It doesn't matter if the PCB or adjacent assemblies are damaged. Thanks!
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 09 22:41:50 EST 2004 | pdeuel
Frustrations to relieve try a sledge hammer.
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 17 14:59:53 EST 2004 | Claude_Couture
since there is a bit of humor in this thread, try drilling the pads from the opposite side of the pcb.
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 17 19:57:08 EST 2004 | Dreamsniper
Do you wanna save the BGA or what? Do you have an electric stove, baking tray and a BBQ clip? Does your wife love cooking? if u have one of each, then u don't need a reflow oven which is too expensive and you don't need to buy heating guns or drill p
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 09 17:41:24 EST 2004 | davef
Try this: * Run the board through your reflow oven set for a "normal" recipe, but with the cooling section turned off. * Pick the BGA from the board while the solder is still liquid using tweezers [or similar tool].
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 09 22:06:24 EST 2004 | Ken
Two words that will send shivers down any self-respecting rework professionals spine: HEAT GUN Not affiliated with black and decker or vidal sasoon hair dryers.
Electronics Forum | Fri May 12 13:24:44 EDT 2000 | Stuart Adams
Is there a cost effective way to do assembly of boards with SMT components on boths sides as well as thru-hole parts ?? (Is there a solution other than hand-soldering the thru-hole parts after SMT reflow of both sides ???) Thanks, Stuart
Electronics Forum | Mon May 15 10:46:51 EDT 2000 | PhilB
You should also consider intrusive reflow (aka pin in hole relow� but be aware of the thermal possibilities of your through hole components and ask support from a stencil supplier that has done this before. Hope this helps, Phil
Electronics Forum | Fri May 12 20:15:49 EDT 2000 | M Cox
There are a variety of options without knowing what kind of components are on the bottom side (C's and R's 0805 or 0603 or 0402) you are talking about consider the following Option 1 If bottom side has only Caps, resistors and/or Soic's then... Top s