Electronics Forum: eftec copper compatible acid (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Component solderabilty

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 18 05:09:56 EDT 1999 | Brian

| | We have a design on which there is an ASIC that will not be produced anymore in the future. As we want to make this design over the next 10 years we are evaluating the possibility to buy the necessary ASICs for the next 10 years. This will give u

Re: Tin-Lead thickness on PWB's/Let's Hear More

Electronics Forum | Thu May 28 07:25:58 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| Hey yooze guys! | Enough of the jokes between you and Earl (GRIN), let's get back to the topic...well, okay... you can tell a few more...(but good ones, 'kay?) | Anyhoo...I'm not sure if ya'll are on the IPC Technet list or not, I've not seen any p

Re: Tin-Lead thickness on PWB's/Let's Hear More

Electronics Forum | Thu May 28 05:43:33 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| Hey yooze guys! | Enough of the jokes between you and Earl (GRIN), let's get back to the topic...well, okay... you can tell a few more...(but good ones, 'kay?) | Anyhoo...I'm not sure if ya'll are on the IPC Technet list or not, I've not seen any p


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