Electronics Forum: ekra camera lock (Page 1 of 3)

Ekra E5 Camera Y Stop Error

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 08 01:30:02 EST 2017 | nikkilouie

Im having trouble with and Ekra x5 machine. It > works fine when up being run constantly, but if > it sits for 10-15 minutes when you try to move > the Y table to the front of the machine it makes > a loud sound as if the table is hitting/catchin

EKRA E5 Service Manual

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 15 07:14:10 EST 2023 | pete_b

Hello, we have some Problems with the camera of our EKRA E5. Does anyone have the Service Manual for us please? Would be great if anyone could send it to me. Thanks in advance Peter

Ekra E5 Camera Y Stop Error

Electronics Forum | Fri May 20 12:14:25 EDT 2016 | strandy89

Im having trouble with and Ekra x5 machine. It works fine when up being run constantly, but if it sits for 10-15 minutes when you try to move the Y table to the front of the machine it makes a loud sound as if the table is hitting/catching on somethi

How do I adjust table height EKRA X5 Screen Printer?

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 04 13:45:03 EDT 2020 | oxygensmd

There are one value for thickness during PCB-teach function which is the PCB thickness. The other one is the camera focus in machine option but it is a dangerous function because the camera focus is adjusted by raising/lowering table.


Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 01 13:14:10 EDT 2004 | dorklover664

The MPM's are the Yugo's. You can fix anything on it with duck tape and a rubber band. I would go with the DEK. They are user friendly and reliable. Just make sure that if you are running double-sided boards to look into good push-up pins. They have

FUJI IP3 MFU1 no power

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 24 15:32:10 EST 2015 | swiese242

Hi there. I have an IP3 machine that refuses to > power up the MFU cart on side 1. I have already > replaced the I/O card but still no dice. Is > there a relay or fuse that I need to check to get > this to power up? The machine will not operate

Metcal VPI1000

Electronics Forum | Thu May 14 13:10:38 EDT 2015 | costas

Hi, I've tried to dismantle the camera to identify the links to the DB15 socket. I got stocked to the point where there are no other screws or safety locks or other obstacles to the camera's PCB. If anyone had a previous experience please enlighten m

EKRA E-1 "Referencing in progress" too long.

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 15 11:03:17 EST 2018 | bobpan

When our older Ekra machines wont reference.....we will either try to e-stop it and then turn the control back on and reference it again....or turn the machine off and back on. I would check all the sensors on the machine and also try to reposition

IP3 special program

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 04 22:02:25 EDT 2011 | fujiphil

IP3 camera calibration, you need the following: 1. Part camera resolution Jig. 2. 10mm nozzle for nozzle centering. 3. Button jig (skip). 4. Glass board and Glass parts. 1. Conduct the Camera resolution. Set the following Delta values: X=+/-0.1mm;

How to place pin supports the same everytime a board is ran?

Electronics Forum | Wed May 23 18:45:57 EDT 2012 | stentech

I would agree with Sr Tech..Grid lock and systems like this can be used on the Ekra, MPM and DEK printers also can be used in Pick and place depending on the density of pin. If you choose the method of printing out a 1:1 photoplot. Glue it to a piece

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