Electronics Forum: ekra emergency (Page 1 of 1)

EKRA Serio 4000 Screen Printer

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 13 15:32:07 EST 2021 | markhoch

Anyone happen to know the EKRA Serio 4000 Service or Engineer password? We just had our printers installed, our primary tech is out of reach, and I can't get a response from the Emergency Tech Support Hotline. Thanks in advance!

EKRA E1 "Referencing in progress" too long

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 18:35:02 EDT 2021 | oxygensmd

Press emergency button, release it and you will get an error report. Sometimes table motor doesn't work properly on my EKRA E5 and I see where to search if something not okay. Let me know your results.

MPM Accela vs DEK or other options?

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 14 20:05:30 EDT 2022 | cbeneat

We are still running an EKRA X5. 2008 build. 1,366,000 cycles. Being swapped out in the near future with an X5 Pro. But we're going to hold it for emergencies. We've found the older X5's are pretty bullet proof. Just keep up on the maintenance.


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