Electronics Forum: ekra psu (Page 1 of 1)


Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 24 12:20:58 EDT 2004 | Simon UK

Hi there, I have been using DEK's of all types over the past 9 years, with a few SMTech's and MPM's thrown in for good measure. I personally would recommend using DEK, they may seem expensive, but i find that worth the cost with the good support we

EKRA E5 X20b port

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 06 12:19:30 EST 2021 | oxygensmd

If you get Machine Offline error, that means the backPC non-working or there are some connection issue between front and back PCs. FrontPC is normally a standard PC, backPC normally is a 4U-size industrial PC. I had the same issue in the past, multi


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