Electronics Forum: ekra screen printer error 212 (Page 1 of 1)

EKRA Serio 4000 Screen Printer

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 15 17:58:36 EST 2021 | kumarb

I just received an out of the office mail response from both. For technical support: Please call the office at +1 770 246 9706 and choose 3 for ASYS equipment or dial 4 for EKRA equipment. Please have your machine type, serial number and error mess

Screen Printer Market Share

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 30 11:03:15 EST 2005 | Mike

I would think that Ekra has some market share though certainly not as much as the Ford and Chevy of the screen printer market. As far as research by F & S, I would not put much stock in that despite the fact that the company is reputable. Don't kno


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