Electronics Forum: ekra x4 program (Page 1 of 6)

Information in how to create new board program in Ekra E4 Step by step

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 18 08:32:34 EDT 2018 | robertbronx

Hi Good Morning to everyone in the forum!! We still learning with a used EKRA E4 printer. Our Co bought a used printer EKRA E4 without any manuals.I would like to know some info about: How create a new process file "STEP by STEP". Thanks to all of yo

Instalation software EKRA X4

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 28 10:51:15 EDT 2019 | robertogonçalves

Do you have the instruction manual for instalation de software to machine EKRA X4?

EKRA E4 model Service Manual PDF

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 17 16:55:06 EDT 2018 | kumarb

Hello. We are servicing our Ekra X4 and will appreciate any user / service manual for the Ekra E4 / X4. Also welcome consultants whom we can ask questions about this machine as required. Many thanks. kumar at softio dot com

Default factory password for Ekra X4?

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 16 17:48:43 EST 2022 | kumarb

Hi. May I ask the factory default password used on the Ekra X4 printer for the PCB parameter changes? Believe it is some permutation of '4113' or similar. We had an accident recently with a drunk driver run through our building. In the process, lo

Ekra Screen Printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 17 09:05:17 EDT 2021 | kumarb

Found it...for future Ekra owners.. 689900-0573 NALGENE RECTANGULAR BOTTLE - 32 OZ Fits our Ekra X4 perfectly. Less than $10 on the market.

EKRA installation CD

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 09 05:34:40 EDT 2022 | oxygensmd


Default factory password for Ekra X4?

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 16 20:52:50 EST 2022 | cbeneat

Double it if you need the machine settings(9060), at least that works on X5's.

Ekra X4 Blues

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 28 23:32:19 EST 2023 | cbeneat

I meant LH.

Ekra X4 Blues

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 27 22:04:24 EST 2023 | kumarb

Hi. Our X4 is posting the attached error code. In the reference menu, the table dances to align with the SMD stencil and the shuttled PCB. During this activity, hearing some new mechanical ticking sounds that were not hear before. Any suggestions on

Ekra X4 Blues

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 28 22:32:38 EST 2023 | cbeneat

it looks like the table is in contact with the Y1 switch. If you can remove the cover, the motor is the R/H one. Turning the belt will move that side of the table. I'm going with the assumption that an X4 is close to an X5.

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