Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 15 13:27:42 EDT 2010 | xps
Thanks... anyway I confirm, the nickel disappear (verified by cross section)and a strange substance greyish above gold, covering the tabs after test. I don't know the reason for this phenomenon. I don't believe that with proper electrolytic nickel fi
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 30 06:23:32 EST 2005 | wmeyers
Thanks Dave! Bill
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 29 21:51:37 EST 2005 | wmeyers
I have a pin and sleeve assembly that utilizes a fusible link type of solder, Bi, Cd, Pb and Sn alloy. The pin is gold plated, the sleeve is copper alloy 725. I have had sporadic success with wetting of the sleeve during the reflow process. To improv
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 29 22:32:51 EST 2005 | davef
The dissolution rate of nickel into tin is a lot slower than that of copper [into tin]. This results in a nickel-tin (Ni3Sn4) intermetallic that is only 0.25-0.75�m thin after a normal soldering process. The Ni-Sn intermetallic compound tends to be m
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 20 14:55:33 EDT 2002 | markhoch
Has anybody expierianced solderability issues on electroless nickel boards that do not have gold immersion? We recently tried to process boards of this type, and I may as well have been trying to reflow on plastic. Any ideas?
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 21 17:08:32 EDT 2004 | dave
Congratulations on your new customer. This could be a keeper. Here's what you're familiar with: Electroless Nickel - per MIL-C-26074 and ASTM-B733. Electroless nickel describes the plating of nickel deposits, which may contain phosphorus and boro
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 21 17:43:12 EDT 2002 | davef
Your flux supplier will have good suggestions.
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 22 09:01:50 EST 2005 | davef
It could be that you're starting with hyper corroded nickel, before you even begin work. With electroless nickel, everybody looks at the nickel, but the cause turns out to be the immersion gold is too aggressive [during fabrication]. Immersion gold
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 17 08:29:12 EDT 2001 | Geertjan de Beijer
My name is Geertjan de Beijer and I am new on this forum. I have a question about Electroless Nickel/Gold finishes. Until now we always use a HAL finish on our PCB's. Since we are using compontents with pitches of 0.5mm we notice that the HAL finis
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 25 17:24:44 EDT 2016 | davef
Gold should not be corroding in salt water. I have swum hundreds of miles in salt water with my wedding ring on my finger. My ring is a shiny and corrosion-free as the day it was cast over 120 years ago. It's possible that your gold thickness of 0.0